Oh, and Mark
We're sorry to hear that Maureen dumped you
I say c'est la vie
So let her be a lesbian...
There are other fishies in the sea
... Love Mom

BENNY: She's got a new man?
MARK: Well -- no
BENNY: What's his name?
MARK & ROGER: Joanne

"The music ignites the night with passionate fire"

Maureen--I'm not a theater person

"The narration crackles and pops with incendiary wit"

Could never be a theater person

Zoom in as they burn the past to the ground

And feel the heat of the future's glow


BENNY: Draw a line in the sand
And then make a stand
ROGER: Use your camera to spar
MARK: Use your guitar

They say that I have the best ass below 14th street...is it true?

Oh no.
I mean you do -- have a nice --
I mean -- You look familiar

They used to tie you up --

It's a living

I didn't recognize you
Without the handcuffs

ANGEL: That boy could use some prozac
ROGER: Or heavy drugs
MARK: Or group hugs

Close on Mark's nosedive.

"Line out"...

Will he get out of here alive...?

MARK: Where'd you learn to tango?
JOANNE: With the French Ambassador's daughter in her dorm room at Miss Porter's. And you?
MARK: With Nanette Himmelfarb, the rabbi's daughter, at the Scarsdale Jewish Community Center.

                   I'm a New Yorker. Fear's my life.

There's only yes
Only tonight
We must let go
To know what's right
No other course
No other way
No day but today

It's like i'm being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck, being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil, pushed over a cliff by a suicidal mickey mouse...

Maybe it's a...female thing.

C'mon sir...MOO with me!

To days of inspiration
Playing hookey, making something out of nothing
The need to express --
To communicate,
To going against the grain,
Going insane
Going mad

To loving tension, no pension
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension
Not to mention of course,
Hating dear old mom and dad

To riding your bike,
Midday past the three piece suits
To fruits -- to no absolutes --
To Absolut -- to choice --
To the Village Voice --
To any passing fad

To being an us for once
Instead of a them

La vie Boheme

Trusting desire -- starting to learn
Walking through fire without a burn
Clinging -- a shoulder, a leap begins
Stinging and older, asleep on pins
So here we go

You can take the girl out of hicksville, but you can't take the hicksville out of the girl

COLLINS: Where's everyone else?
ROGER: Playing Spiderman

It's like losing a --
How did you know that she fell?

COLLINS (Hands BENNY a glass of champagne)

A tiger in a cage
Can never see the sun
This diva needs her stage
Baby, let's have fun

"...Happy spring"

MARKY! Sell us your soul!
Just kidding!

Why are entire years strewn
On the cutting room floor of memory
When single frames from one magic night
Forever flicker in close-up
On the 3D Imax of my mind
That's poetic
That's pathetic

MARK: It must be nice to have money.

Goodbye love
Goodbye love
Came to say goodbye, love, goodbye
Just came to say
Goodbye love
Goodbye love
Goodbye love
Hello -- disease

"Hi. Mark Cohen here for Buzzline. Back to you, Alexi. Coming up next -- vampire welfare queens who are compulsive bowlers." Oh my God, what am I doing?

You're living in America
At the end of the millennium
You're living in America
Leave your conscience at the tone
And when you're living in America
At the end of the millennium
You're what you own


If you have a favorite line that has not yet been put up here, email us. Let's make this list grow!