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Video Outline

I.   Introduction of tools

II.   Preparing to get under the horse.

III.   The position of the handler.

IV.   The postion of the shoer.

V.   Learning the physical make-up of the foot and lower leg.

VI.   Learning to trim a normal healthy foot.

   A.  Looking for foot interference.

        1.  Forging

        2.  Striking

        3.  Scalping

        4.  Cross Firing

   B.  Setting the angle

    C.  Cleansing the sole

    D.  Cutting the Foot

    E.  Cleaning the Foot Up

VII.  Putting the Shoe on.

    A.  Determining the shoe size.

    B.  Fitting the shoe.

    C.  Shaping the Shoe.

    D.  Nailing the shoe on.

VIII.   Introduction to common diseases and problems.

    A.  Forging, scalping, striking, cross firing

    B.  Corns

    C.  Contracted Heels

    D.  Laminitis - commonly called founder

   E.  Navicular disease

   F.  Sidebone

    G.  Ringbone - low and high

    H.  Quittor

   I.  Cracks

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Last modified: August 8, 2003