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Doorways to other worlds

I thought perhaps you might be interested in some of my other friends situations!

1. The Voice's Page
This is a new friend. Very creative to say the least and a bit more up on the HTML thing then I! but perhaps I will learn a thing or 2? Enjoy!

2. DJ Blue's page
This is the atmospheric man by the name of blue. His site is under construction so keep checking back

3. Marcelle's art page
Could anyone besides my friend Marcelle completely capture the feeling and vibe of their home planet strictly on just memories? I doubt it!!! But He can and does check out his artwork. Which will surely explain his groove!

4. DJ Thumper page
This is my friend Stroud Aka thumper from Virginia. Get the latest news on what is happening over on his side of things. I am sure you will not be disappointed.

Get Digital!
5. Miss SugaH's Page
But of course and not least Is the SugarDiVa. Yes, my friends if I were single I'd be all about this! She is hot and I am not just talking about her beauty. All I can say is when it comes to her she fits into the category of all of the above!

6. Picture page
Here you will further familiarize yourself with the people I have made reference to through out your brief and incomplete but will have to do 4 now tour of my world.

An amazing creation. An amazing destination. Music for the eyes. come check out this sweet lullaby.

Visit Vixon Now!
8. Techno Vixons page
This is a new friend I have come to know..she is wicked and has much FlaVor so check her out

Visit Joeri's page Now!
9. Joeri's page
As I sit on ICQ sending out messages waiting for responses from intelligent life forms. The response is usually nil but by the grace of GoD.. behold "Joeri". Check him out he has a lot to say and it is well worth listening to =

Hmm...? Music you ask? As you wish! Oh but first open your mind please?

1. Marcelle's Music
Is there anything Marcelle can't do? Well yeah.. lol but here is a link to his music! He is sure to touch that moment in your mind when you least expect it!

2. My miXed CD
This is a mixed CD of mine in real player formAt "MeLaNcHoLy BlUe" ..enjoy! = ) Also if you like please contact me and we can get you a copy on CD as well as others I have made and some friends!

3. This is my 2nd Mixed CD online"A RoAd LeSs TraVeLed"
This is my Second Mixed CD available online .. I promise it will take you on a journey you will not want to forget. Hopefully you'll let go and iNjoy where it takes "U"! = )

4. A lot more of my music " My page"
Hey look @ me .. my name in bright lights! Ah that will be the day! But this will do for now check it!

5. The Voice's music
This artist will be surely going somewhere soon!

Get TranCed!
6. TraNce DomAiN!
This is an amazing webstie. There are mad skills here! If you have real player much music can be found here. Also tune in on Wednesday from 10:00 PM to 2:00 AM Eastern standard time Enjoy

7. Mark's music
Mark you finally got an page wooHoo . Aight folks check this out. Music for your mind

Visit Radio SLL!
8. The Radio SLL Show
This show is devoted to promoting new and mostly unheard of music. There are 3 shows being broadcast @ the moment. 1} Has everything from experimental to house. 2} Specializes in Turkish electronica. And 3} is a South Florida show case of new and up n coming talent! The young man "Hakan-C" who runs this very dedicated and helps out a lot of people in the process of what he does. Please go and check him out! Who knows you might even hear a bit of yours truly while your there = )
Visit Dj SaVya!
9. DJ SaVya
This would be a new friends of mine's site. His music is sure to invoke some thought. Of what is completely up to U! But in this world is that not something that we take almost completely for granted? I myself like to open the doors of my mind and let whatever wanders my way inside. thinking liquid tends to let the bad the good and all points in-between in and out with only the consequences that shall always be.. be just that be

Your way ahead of me for this is the last page. : ( But have no fear 4 you have not seen the last of me! Now at your free will check out some of the links. Or just use the links below to go through My world again. But no matter what take a bit of my positivity with you and do come back : )

Main Menu Go to where you originally came
Intro Page 3 steps back is the introduction
Me = TaI/|\Fu 2 steps back could tell you something you forgot
Event History 1 step back shows you a bit of history in the making
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View my guest book Last chance 2 view my guest book?