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[InTrO My BrAiN]

Things to do before I leave

Enter If U Dare!
My name is MatThew and I have been on this earth for some 26 years. Almost a day of a lifetime it seems? For most of which I have not been completely as conscience as I could have been. Who really knows .. perhaps it was all supposed to be this way?
I am currently entering the world of electronics! I must tell you I am none the less fascinated with the "POSSIBILITES' they hold! I am updating my personal road map to the universe @ the moment. I am trying to incorporate these things in my daily life. Which I believe will be unimaginably useful! I am also noticing that this is almost an exact replica of something built by something powerful enough as to of built me?
Interesting I do believe so!
Enough about me.
How are you?
Ahh my music you ask?
I am A DJ and I play at a lot of gatherings far and wide.. heard of me yet?
I doubt that.. but you will! I am also learning to Produce my own music electronicly. Which is very good for me. Considering my style is very different. To find members of a band that would tolerate my noise ,, would not be an easy task! So I do it myself .. But my mind is open and what one can do.. 2 can do better!?!
I think if Mozart were alive the possibilities would surely and completely grab his attention! 4 then the music he would make would completely and totally sound as he intended and wanted it to! Becuase he would have arranged and peformed it himself (Control issue..aahh maybe a little one)? I have a sample of one of my older and more experimental tracks on this page and there is also a link 2 My Page That Has more music and stuFF of mine and links to my friends as well. So if you would like check it out and if you get lost in the mist of all the links. Here is a link 2 get there
My PaGe!
Also here are 2 links to listen to my mixed Cd's in real player format
My miXed CD "MeLaNcHoLy BlUe"
My 2nd miXed CD "A RoAd LeSs TraVelEd" enjoy! = )
Also if you like please contact me and we can get you a copy on CD as well as others I have made and some of my friends work 2! I will be posting more as time goes on as well as info about CD's of my original music as well as my abstract mixes as I cut it up rude style! :3 P Like I have said I have many friends who are on there own paths and I will share their gifts with you as well. We all have different styles but each compliments one another very nicely and together we can rock any situation! Keep an eye out for this is just the beginning! We are entering a new domain with old school ties or shall I say ancient school ites with some New school FlaVaH! Corny? I think so.. but hey I like it! We are DJ's, Producers, Artists. Graphic designers, Promoters and Human beings (Well some of us any way? "Marcel"). Please feel free to view my guest book or sign it.. I know I know CoRny but I wanna know what I look like from the outside looking in. = ) and with that I do believe this concludes your short and incomplete but will have to do tour through the center of my mind. Bye

These lynx below will decipher a brief moment in your life. So stop and choose wisely! Where you shall go no one else will ever know but who it will matter to most will be inevitably you!

Bio Page } If this was interesting .. then be on ward in your journey!
Artist History } A brief description of performances
Main Menu } Go back to WheRe It aLL StaRtEd
Links Page } Go 2 Linx 2 DooR waYs 2 OtheR woRldS
Picture Page } Curious to see some of the people I speak of and know a little more about them?
Sign my guest book } Leave your Imprint on My Guest BooK
View my guest book } The title pretty much speaks for it's self = )