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Hello people..! Welcome to my page.. I guess this place is STILL under construction and god knows when it's gonna finally be ready but oh well.. I guess we'll just have to be satisfied with whatever we've got here right now.. Right..? Heheheh *grins* Anyways.. I know this page is definitely NOT perfect.. FAR from it actually.. but something is BETTER than NOTHING! So.. enjoy..! Hehehhee

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Check these out:

sOme stUff AbOut Me (iF yOu cOuld be bOthered)
mUg ShOtS (dOg ugLy Me & FriendS)
jOkeS (hOpefuLLy iT MeeTs tHe 'fUnnY' CriTeria)
mOre mUg ShOts! (dOg ugLy mE & fRiendS aGaiN)
sOng LyriCs (sCream yOur LUngS oUt.. iF yOu waNt)