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Be Aware of Rimadyl's Known Side-effects

Welcome to the homepage for the DogHealth2 email list.

This is a mirror site for our New Site

The primary goal of this list is to share the information about the side effects of Rimadyl. What can be done to help our pets, and alternatives to Rimadyl.
Many people, vets included, don't know about the effects this drug can have on many of our furry friends.

On May 21, 2001 at 10pm, Phoenix TV station KPHO will air a report on Rimadyl. Doghealth2 member Mish and her dog Gwen were interviewed for this newscast. You can watch it on the web at KPHO online.
a copy of this video tape can also be ordered from an outside source: call NewsClips at 623.487.8211
Be sure to visit The Senior Dogs Project. It is the best site for info on Rimadyl and it's effects. They also have contact phone numbers, and the most recent materials and information.
Direct link to Sr Dogs Rimadyl info

You may also wish to send a blank email to:
You will get much information in the form of links, including the link to Sr Dogs, and Adequan, an alternative injectable drug. As well as the ClassAction lawsuit, and much more.

This site is for the email list. For support and info sharing for the humans. For direct, updated rimadyl info go to the Sr Dogs website.

Please, sign our new, improved guest book!

Updated March 19, 2001. Welcome to our new home.
THANKS to KAT for her generous webspace donation.
Dogs probably never thought they would be grateful to a Kat for something. *VBG*

Photo albums

- Memorial Hall of pets who have died. updated 03-18-00

- Celebration of pets who survived.

-Our Rainbow Bridge non- Rimadyl deaths. For our family and friends.

-Family Member's and their Pet's Photo's.

-Holiday Photo Album

-Extras Stories, Poems, cartoon,and whatever else.

-Posts with information from list members

-Links Pages-

-Email- get your own email adress, web base show your support! does not support yahoogroups email lists.

-A Barnes and Noble book buying link. Run by Tamy.

-Read Steve Dale, Chicago journalist, article on Rimadyl

Read Chris Adams Wall Street Journal article at Sr Dogs.

Class Action Lawsuit filed against Pfzer.

Coming soon direct links to !!!!

-more jokes
-more stories
-more poems
-more family photo albums
-more various links
-Members pages links

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Site Disclaimer
The views expressed on these pages are facts,as we see them.
They reflect the views of the various individuals,and may not reflect your views.
The doghealth2 email list is a group of people who believe their
dogs were harmed by side effects of Rimadyl. Side effects which
have not been clearly stated to vets and users of the drug.
As well as people wanting to learn more.

"B.A.R.K.S." is a campaign slogan for exclusive use by registered B.A.R.K.S. representatives. Anyone using this slogan or acting as an agent or representative of the B.A.R.K.S campaign without express written permission of the owner of the doghealth2 E-group will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

THANKS for the generous donation of web space. Doggies say WOOF!
Views expressed on this page may not represent the views of, her provider or host.