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My favorite Pokemon

I'm Ditto please e-mail me at You can get here using or I have made a Pokemon Battler here that has many cities, however it has been out of order for quite some time now. I have been trying to work on a Pokedex. You can go to the Pokedex, I have Bulbasaur through Tangela on right now and since my pictures don't seem to work it is pretty bland there. I'll continue to add more Pokedex entries maybe Gold/Silver and Ruby/Sapphire one day. I am going to add more detail about the Pokemon to the Pokedex as soon as I can. The Pokemon Battler is being worked on to make it better.

Most of my site has not yet been updated for Pokemon Gold/Silver or Crystal or Ruby/Sapphire. Sorry, but it is a very hard conversion to make.

October 31, 2003
Hey its Halloween. If you couldn't tell by now I have almost completely given up on this site. I am more in to Yu-Gi-Oh then Pokemon any more these days. Pokemon isn't that big of a deal any more.
One thing I would like to mention about Pokemon is the new episode that will be airing soon. After many seasons of Ash, Brock, and Misty traveling around together they are finally going their separate ways. I haven't watched too many episodes lately, but this came as kind of a shock. The new shows are called Pokemon Advance. They will be airing this weekend on KidsWB.

September 9, 2002
Okay here I am again exactly two months since I was last on here. Why haven't I been here? I guess it is because I am really busy.
Has anyone heard of the new Pokemon games coming out before too long? These will be called Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. I am way behind now. I was never able to update for Gold, Silver, and Crystal let alone some new games. I think my site needs a lot of changes and this is just a few. I really need to get new pictures for those ones that don't work any more. Hopefully I will get a chance soon to do something on here.

July 9, 2002
Here it is, July, and I still haven't updated much. It just seems that time goes by so quickly these days. The fourth Pokemon movie has been announced. I don't know when it is coming out or much else about it, but at least I thought I would let you know.

June 16, 2002
Well not much has happened lately, but I am definitely still accepting teams for my teams section. I like to rate them and I am sure you people like to have them rated. I know I am no professional, but I think you can take my tips and use them well. If there is anything wrong with my site please tell me. Remember I do not want really mean letters. Just tell me what is wrong I will see if I can fix it.

June 4, 2002
Finally summer has come and I might be able to make updates once in a while. A lot is happening in the gaming world as the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) occurred not very long ago. In the world of Pokemon a new game in the series has been announced. It is Pokemon Advance. More Pokemon, better graphics, and it is probably packed with other surprises. If you are a Pokemon fan (If you are here you probably are) than you will want this game. Many other great games have been announced for all systems and Nintendo was no exception. Super Mario Sunshine, a new Zelda game (a cell-shaded version), Metroid Prime, and Phantasy Star Online 1 and 2 just to name some of the big ones. Phantasy Star will be Sega's edition to the new online gaming of Nintendo will begin having in Fall 2002. All three systems have announced online gaming coming later this year. Come back for more if you want further updates. I would also advise you to watch Extended Play on TechTV for even more updates about your favorite games.


My current Pokemon Battler cities are done. Visit them by clicking here If you would find a problem with your page please e-mail me and I will fix it as soon as possible.. If your city remains unactive until you have reach $50,000 it will be closed until you tell me to reactivate it and continue to change it. If you are saving money e-mail me so.

Now join my mailing list at OneList. Search for it under Ditto. It should be the first one under Ditto. In my list you can get some up to date information about Pokemon and its upcoming games.

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