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Welcome to my homepage. My name is Cutarug Dugg. This is my first webpage so bear with me. I will be adding cool stuff whenever I can. If you know me or even if you don't, drop me a line at deucedeuce@xoommail.


The Birth of Deuce Deuce

Deuce Deuce is the name that a bunch of GOOFS from Delta decided to use as the name for their gang. Subsequently, some friends of mine and I decided to use it ourselves for the name of our "gang". Our gang, of course was nothing more than a few people calling themselves "Deuce Deuce" as a joke. I started stealing the 2's from every deck of cards I came across and the 2's or 22's from every elevator I travelled in. I also started tagging "2-2" all over the place. Eventually, this tagging caught the attention of a couple of gits who were running an after-hours joint(this may be because of the fact that one night I tagged their entire place). This tagging got the guys so shook up that they were afraid some gang had marked their territory and thus Deuce Deuce had been elevated to true GANG status.

SpaceGhost Kicks Ass


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