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If you could be my punk rock princess, I would be your garage band king. You could tell me how you just don't fit in, and how you're gonna be something...

never update this page...why is it still here?

my angels

my journal

hyper chica

i ain't into hiding the truth

ooh look, links!

stupid pics from my life ;)

Read my guestbook, dangit!
Sign my guestbook... Pretty please? Will ya?

This page is....mine. Click around. I'm sorry I haven't had time to update this in a while, but at college I KNOW I'll be bored as heck. Keep coming back. Bookmark me.Once again, as the mission statement, well, states, I am not trying to impress anyone nor please anyone other than myself. Copyright 1999~2003, by me. Ask before taking grafix or writings. It'd just plain hurt my feelings if you stole my artwork.

I don't care what you say, I don't care what you heard. The word LOVE, yeah, LOVE is a verb

6/29/06: So, in honor of what John terms "1995 Amanda," I've decided to leave this page intact in all its cheesiness as an homage to my teenage self... still may update from time to time, but I'm taking my last name off the pages just in case, because I realized it could come up in some google searches. 7~9~03 It's GREAT to have had the opportunity to go to Centrifuge again this year. I'm all inspired and such...making new graphics on my PSP8 trial version, yay, go me...I wish I could make everything in the negative format you see up at the top with my new photos...wouldn't that be sweet? I'm in photography mode again, I think. Too bad I'm too poor to buy film. You can send me money if you'd like. Oh, and I'm posting my snail mail address on here in case anyone would like to surprise me with a letter or needs to send me something. I'd love to hear from any of you. And yes, it's safe to post this on the net b/c it's a PO Box, not my actual place of residence. Psychos can stalk the university post office all they want, if they are so inclined. And I will pray for them, because man, that's sad ;)

If I were beautiful like you, I'd have so many friends. They'd all fight to be next in line, and I wouldn't have to make amends. But that will never be, no that will never ever be, because I'm not beautiful like you, I'm beautiful like me.

Stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else

Send me lots of pretty letters at this addy:


U 1635 University of South Alabama

Mobile, AL 36688

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