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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ UPDATE! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

First of all, I need to apologize for my lack of attention to this webpage. I just read through my Guestbook for the first time in months and found a disturbing entry from someone, inviting me and any of my visitors to his or her Adult website. The entry was complete with a graphic photo that seemed directed at my Special Resource page. I have deleted this entry (actually I deleted all the entries by mistake) and vow to keep a closer watch on it from here on out.
Back in February I had posted a little update saying I had plans on updating this page every week or so. Well, that hasn't happened. I could go into the reasons why, but I don't much feel like it and you probably don't have the kind of time it would need to explain it all. Suffice it to say I haven't updated anything because updating a page like this takes time and effort; two things I have been in short supply of lately. You know, just when you think you have it all figured out, or you have a plan of action, someone or something comes along and throws a monjey wrench in the works. Just another little bit of proof that a definite in this life. Imagine that. my pages if you like. Eventually I'll add some new things...I've already taken some things out that didn't need to be there anymore. There's things that could probably fit in the spaces, if I can find the time to add them. Stay just never know!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hi, and thanks for visiting me here on the web. Let me tell you a little about my webpage and what you can expect to find here.
As the title of this page indicates, this is my journal. A collection of pages dealing with some of the more significant events in my life; my son's premature birth, my parents divorce, and my recent commitment to Christ to name a few. Why would I open my life and allow thousands of people access to my innermost thoughts and feelings? I really don't have an answer for that. I like building webpages - although you will find out soon enough that I'm still rather new at it - and these were some of the topics foremost in my mind when I decided to create these pages. This little project originally started out as merely a link page; I'd begun receiving some wonderful poetry sites from a friend of mine and thought I'd like to do the same with my own writings. Then somehow, I came up with the idea of creating a journal as here it is.
I'll be updating these pages periodically, especially my writings. I have quite a few that I want to include, but not enough time to get them all up in one session. So if you enjoy what I have so far, please check back to read even more.
I've recently posted some of my favorite song MIDI's and lyrics along with a little about why that song is meaningful to me. These are off a link on my 'Lists' page. Check back for more of these too.
I've kept the graphics to a minimun even though there are tons of wonderful images I wanted to use. But I figured short loading times and easy navigation (I hope) would make these pages more enjoyable for the viewer. But I just couldn't help myself on Jeremy's page...I had to use some Winnie The Pooh images...Jeremy LOVES Pooh! (well, so do I for that matter!) In the coming weeks though I think I'll add a graphics list with links to some of my favorite sites.
I'm constantly fine-tuning this site. If you run across a broken link or maybe even half a page, please let me know. I accidentially overlook things sometimes, especially after working on this for a few hours everyday.
Once again, thank you for your interest, I hope you enjoy my efforts. Please feel free to email me or even better, sign my guestbook. If you have your own page, be sure and leave the URL for me so I can visit you.

I leave you with a little comment...

Everybody uses everybody, don't they?



Who Is Debbie?
(a little about me in my own words and a
few of my likes/dislikes in list form)
(my search for the truth)
(my feelings as an 'AKOD'-adult kid of divorce)
Jeremy Nathan
(a little about my son, who was born 3 months premature)
My Grandmother
(remembrances of a very special woman)
Special Interest Resource Page
(links regarding domestic violenvce and rape against women)
Debbie's 'Lighter' Side
(links to a few funny websites)
Poems and Essays
(updated constantly, these are my original works)
Webring Page
(a listing of the webrings I belong to)

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