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Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Others stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts...
and we are never ever the same."

Lawrence R. Zelke
August 10, 1938 - April 8, 1999

In my life I have been blessed with two very special men.  One of them was my step-father, Larry.  This picture captures so much of his charisma, but that is just a small piece of who he was.  A loving husband, supportive father, dedicated grandfather, cherished friend.. a very special soul.  A man with a heart so big, his love showed no limits.  This man managed to put a smile on the faces of almost all that crossed his path.

In September of 1997 he was diagnosed with brain cancer.  He went in for brain surgery in October of 1997 and the doctors removed a tumor the size of an egg.  The doctors were amazed that he made it through his surgery, much less showed no signs of the cancer or had any side effects after the surgery.  In the fall of 1998 he suffered a seizure and the doctors discovered that the cancer had returned and surgery, radiation, and chemo were no longer options.  The doctors only gave him two more months to live.  But not this man.  His courage and his strength battled as hard and as long as it could.  On April 8, 1999, he took his last breath.

"Not all heroes walk in the glamour of the lights...
Not all angels have wings..."

Dearest Dad,

I dont even know where to start.  You have made such an amazing impact on my life.  You were always there when I needed you no matter what opinions you had.  You may have nudged me here and there... told me how stupid my decisions were... laughed at me or laughed with me.. but you were always.. always there to support me.  You were always more than just a step father.. more than just a friend.  You spent so much of your life being down on yourself for things you thought you had done, but god, if you could have only seen the man that everyone else saw when they looked at you.  You have touched so many lives, Dad, especially mine.  LOL.. I remember the stories you used to tell, many of them untrue, LOL, but they sure kept everyone laughing.  You weren't serious very often, spent much of your time and energy making others laugh.  I will always remember the laughter, but I will also remember the tears as you would tell us how much you loved us.  We love you too Dad, and we always will.  Thank you for being you and for being a part of my life.  I love you.

"A part of you has grown in me, and, so you see, it's you and
 me, forever, and never apart; maybe in distance but never in heart."



You were more than just a father
You were a special friend
Your love was the rock
on which
I knew I could depend
When the world turned its back on me
I could always turn to you
You gave me someone to lean on
And someone to laugh with, too
The advice you’ve given throughout the years
Still gives my life direction
You helped make me who I am
And I see your face in my reflection
I have fond memories of our time together
Time that went by too fast
And I wish that I could find a way
To turn the future into the past
I’m reminded of you everyday
By things I do and see
And my only hope is that you knew
How much you meant to me
Dad, you’ll  always be  with me
Even though you’ve gone away
And I’ll hold you in my heart
Until we meet again someday
So, don’t worry that I’ll forget you
And all of the things we’ve done
Because when it comes to fathers
I know I had the greatest one


A loved one so dear has fallen
from our sights but never from our hearts
In the days to come all of us
will look back in our hearts to find
them once again
Memories will fill our thoughts
we will laugh and we will cry
You must all remember that they
are not really so far away
for all we need to do is look into our hearts
And they will shine once more
As time goes by the pain will ease
but their memory will never fade
So when you look towards the skies
give a little smile and a wink
For our loved one is in good hands
And helping to guide our way


Don't think of him as gone away -
his journey's just begun,
life holds so many facets -
this earth is only one.
Just think of him as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.
think how he must be wishing
that we could know today,
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of him as living
in the hearts of those he touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost -
and he was loved so much.

       E. Brenneman


A Very Special Thank You

During my dad's battle with brain cancer, some very special friends at SpiritWeb held a healing circle for him.  It was a very moving, wonderful experience.  During this healing circle one of the members asked if my family would mind if a few people sent cards to my father to let him know people were sending him love.  Not only did members from the healing circle send cards, but Hestia forwarded my father's story to several of her friends, and a dear friend, Serena, put a prayer request on her mailing list.  Over the next few weeks we were amazed at the cards that came in.  They came in from all over the world.  A little reminder that no matter what hardships may be going on in this world... there is still so much love to be shared.

If I could thank each of you individually, I certainly would.  This is my attempt at doing so.  The following is a partial list of those who sent cards to my father.  There were so many cards that came in and during my dad's hospital move many of them got shuffled around.  More names will be added as we sort through things.  If any are missed please accept my apologies and know that each and every card sent was read to my father.  I will not be using full names in order to protect your privacy.  Thank you to each and every one of you.

Lorraine - Tacoma, WA
Natalie - Wattsburg, PA
Lowell - North Plains, OR
Hazel - Salina, KS
Jarina - Richmond, VA
Pam - Tarzana, CA
Kathy & Ray - South Jordan, UT
Katherine & Gaye - South Jordan, UT
"Elf" - Portland, OR
Bobbie - VA
Colleen - Houston, TX
Jackie - Snellville, GA
Sherrie - St. Paul, MN
Susan - Soap Lake, WA
Gertrude - Australia
Margetta - Australia
Stephen - Australia
Anastasia - Australia
Ari - Australia
Ruth, Dean, Lisa, Aletia & Tishler - St. Cloud, FL
Little Rainbow Farm/The Wickstroms - Lexington, VA
"J" - Greensburg, PA
Gai - North Nowra, Australia
Ruth - Boynton Beach, FL
Cherie - Carlsbad, CA
Kathy - Green Bay, WI
Irmalee - Zebulon, GA
Teresa - White House, TN
Susan - Bond, CO
Doris - Orrington, ME
Emanuele - Phoenix, AZ
Ronnie & Charles - Winter Park, FL
Susan - N. Tonawanda, NY
Judy V. - CA
Patricia - Montreal, Quebec

There are Angels amongst us!

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