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Janeen Cameron

Jokes Poetry & Quotes Ghost Story Men-struation Aspen Recipes Art

My Favorite Web Sites

Lots of info on herbs!
Great site for local Orange County haps!
Web site of existing castles for sale! want to buy one?
Fun games!
Have fun with translations!
For lovers of Van Gogh!
Art by J.W. Waterhouse, I LOVE this artist. This is a VERY well done, tasteful site!
Reviews of movies in the making!
Hilarious web site! but gotta READ it! even the FAQ's... this guy is funny!

People & Products that I like:

A great spine/sports Doctor to get you on track!
Wonderful natural products. Love the tooth powder and bath salts (make you silky smooth!)

Welcome to my homepage! These are current pics (spring 2001). The ones at the top are varied years. I hope this missive finds you healthy, happy, and living for the moment! If you'll allow me to take you on a little trip of self-indulgence, I will share some things and rub elbows with the Cyber Cosmos! You can see what I have so far, on the menu above, but I will be adding a recipe page and a family pic page and who knows what else!

My morning Prayer: Dear God, So far today I've done all right. I haven't gossiped or complained and I haven't lost my temper. I haven't been grumpy, nasty or selfish and I'm really glad of that! But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to be getting out of bed and from then on, I'm probably going to need a lot of help..... Amen

I went to Aspen for the 4th of July with my friend, Joleen, and we put a couple of the pics up on my "Aspen" page. We went camping, river rafting, hiking, parade watching, shopping and dining! Take a look at Kurt Russell on the Aspen page. It's a pic taken in Aspen a few years ago. I'm planning another trip to Colorado this May for fun and genealogy research... gotta put my Trooper to the road!

My new passion is genealogy and although I've only really dug into one branch, I intend to trace them all. I've traced my Scottish side back to my Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather (X5), William Craigie born in the Orkney Islands, between 1770 and 1790. Given the small size of the island, it is likely that our line descends from a long line of very prominent Craigies of the Orkneys. In Norse times, Gairsay (the island of the Orkneys where we are from) was the winter home of Norse Chieftain Svein Asleifarson who married a royal Craigie. As well, an heiress of the Craigie family married into the William Wallace family in 1317. However, I do not know if my Craigies are related to the Craigies in the Wallace line. It is said that to this day, the people of the Orkneys still consider themselves as Norse.

That is on my mother's side. However, I also have Norwegian on my father's side. My great grandfather on that side was born in Oslo, Norway. His wife, my great grandmother, was born in Vassa, Finland. And of course, let's not forget the Italian! (are you poking your eye out yet?) My Great Grandfather, David Craigie, married Elizabeth Stopani from Italy, making me (assuming she's full Italian) 1/8 italian. However, further research is necessary! Ok, turning off the home movie videos now! Time to wake up!

I live in Southern California with my little meatball cat named Mogwhy. She's a sweet thang.. so cute when they meow and nothing comes out! Gawd, I sound like a cat lady! But I'm pretty sure you have to have at least 3 cats to be a Cat Lady. However, there is a debate as to whether I will be the Pine Cone Lady, the Rock Lady, or the Candle Lady. So far, Candle Lady is winning!

Travels: have been to France, Spain, England, Monte Carlo, Acapulco, Mazatlan, Puerto Vuerta, Hawaii, several states in the U.S., New York last summer. Hope to do more travel, want to go to Scotland and Italy.

I love to garden, although might not have one this year, but enjoy growing vegies (organic of course, deluted hot sauce makes a great bug killer!) and landscaping... I love English gardens, Mediterranean gardens, Rustic gardens, Naturalistic/Native gardens... love mixing textures, bold accents for contrast, winding paths, LOVE a stunning Red Japanese maple... outdoor fireplaces.. dual-purpose plants are fun, like nasturtiums which are edible flowers, and good ole' rosemary. Also, love dwarf Conifers to bring a forest feel to a garden.. right now I'm loving combining subtle colors (non-flowering plants), like purple fountain grass and blue sage/gray colored plants. I've never really liked roses, but LOVE a climbing rose, over an arbor or fence.. I also love rocks and having some boulders in the garden. My grandmother in Colorado always had a rock garden. I have some 'red' rocks from Colorado and a couple big boulders I lugged down from Big Bear in my garden in CA. I love ornamental grasses! big and tall, blowing in the breeze!.. and having a special secret spot in the garden... :)

On another note, one more thing I'd like to say, and that is, please take responsibility for your own actions. It seems to me that we've become such a "blame it on someone else" society. It's epidemic! Open your eyes... take a look at yourself... and take responsibility for your own actions. We are here to grow as human beings. If you're not growing, well, it's very unfortunate. And you really can't grow if you're not willing to take a look at yourself.

Releasing the hearts burdens is our oldest and dearest challenge. To offer love and Accept love is the bravest act, particularly for the injured. Be good to each other!