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Leesy's Site About Absolutely Nothing!!!

Hey there, I'm Lisa. Thanks for coming! Pretty much everything here is just me rambling and what not and should not be taken seriously. You may not think the stuff is funny, but I do, so that's all that matters! Or at least I do when I'm very very tired... : ). But anyway, I haven't updated this site at all in the two years since I created it, so please excuse the umm..lack of stuff. I promise someday soon I'll do more than just change what I'm typing right now! So yes, have a look around, hopefully you'll enjoy it or at least be slightly amused..and if not, then just go away and don't write mean things in my guestbook! : ) Have a great day!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Stupid Poetry
My Obsession With Smilies