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Updated August 20th. House Party 2000 and South Dakota 2000 pages are up.



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Yeah, that'd be me you're poking. Now stop that. It tickles. :)



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Thought of the day: If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con', then what's the opposite of 'progress'?

Mind if I smoke?
Translation: Mind if I forcefully exhale an extremely dangerous carcinogen down your throat and into your lungs possibly causing you to die a slow, agonizing death from cancer?

The Top Ten Reasons I Didn't Go To IU
  • 10. Never looked good in crimson-white polyester.
  • 9. IU library closed- Someone stole the book.
  • 8. Couldn't find Bloomington.
  • 7. Friends don't let friends go to IU
  • 6. The three pretty coeds were either studying abroad or graduating.
  • 5. No weight limits for sororities.
  • 4. My S.A.T. score was too high.
  • 3. I already had a high school education.
  • 2. Didn't need a degree in fast food.
  • 1. Boilermakers rule!

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