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The revenge campaign

It was once a girl of nine years named Luzie. Their preferences were: to annoy large brothers to torment innocent small dolls and take Barbies apart.

It was Sunday noon. Luzie was about even to give to its doll a Punkfrisur when it suddenly rang at the entry door and its terrible aunt Frieda walked into their room. It had a cardboard under the lever, which it - quite inconspicuously - placed under Luzies bed.

After aunt Frieda had gone, Luzie pulled curiously the cardboard under the bed out. Carefully it opened it. No, which saw her there, was the most terrible for Luzie in the whole world. It lifted its gift out from the cardboard disgusted. With aversions she regarded the article.

It was a Barbiepuppe: 'already again one of these terriblly kit ski towards Barbies.'

What had employed Luzie? Such a thing had honestly not earned it? Luzie took the Barbie and threw it in high elbow into the special refuse.

It became gradual evening. Luzie went finally to bed and broke themselves in vain the heading, why calculated she had gotten a Barbiepuppe. Finally it fell asleep. It was around midnight, when suddenly from the special refuse ton strange noises penetrated. Luzie frightened up. Carefully it tapste from its bed to the garbage can. The cover jumped up and the Barbie crept out. Their face was distorted and their eyes lit up glowing red.

Luzie solidified before fright. After one while it had itself and from it burst only one word: 'Cooool!'.

Barbie looked it verdutzt on: 'Hey, you is to tremble gefaelligst with me! That is not located in such a way in the film script.'

'that was, that I would have not better hingekriegt', answered Luzie admiring a super appearance.

Disappointed the Barbie hopped into its garbage can back.

On the next morning wanted to see after to Luzie the unusual Barbie. But to their disappointment it looked again as normally kitschig. So much it also the Barbie vibrated, it remained rainless.

Disappointed Luzie picked up the Barbie.

'So, you daemliche Barbie, you earned it not differently!', Luzie called and threw it by the window.

Platschend landed the Barbie in the Matsch. 'you still the laughter will pass', hissed it afterwards.

A few hours had passed, when it knocked on Luzies room door. There it opened the door and to its fright was the Barbie, which was moved forward by wild dolls become with a whole army. On command the gang raved pityless by Luzies room. Everything that came the Barbie gang into the traverse, was destroyed. Even Luzies hot loved Michael Jackson collection was not safe before it.

'hectar, now we button times the young lady forwards', cried ourselves to one of the course between them.

'with pleasures', Barbie answered.

'o.k., which means, is it we it first a Punkfrisur to give or it apart.

'no, no, please leave me only alone!', jammerte Luzie from a room corner.

'well well, we leave them in peace. But only on a condition: You torment no more innocent dolls!', the gang required.

Luzie tuned against-willingly too and already all Barbies as on command had disappeared.

Luzie looked itself quite disturbed over and rubbed the eyes: 'I that everything only dreamed or that everything really occurred now?'

Lea Boecker