B  a  c  k  s  t  r  e  e  t  

L o v e r ' s P a r a d i s e!

***Always Under Construction....***

Welcome to My BSB Website! Unlike many other sites, who favor either humor about BSB or the Backstreet Obsession, this one is unique. I love both! In this site you will see humor and good old-fashioned Backstreet Love. Enjoy! Scroll down....

News and Stuff

Hey Everyone! If you want to be a part of a cool BSB newsletter, E-mail trollb@webtv.net for more info!!!

12/30/99 Good God, I updated! What a surprise, huh? Message to Jon: BLAH!! Hehe....Also...8/29/99

Lookie what I made! Isn't it prudy? I think so!

Hey you!


Yeah, you!


Sign the guestbook, dang it!

....Please? Pretty please with sugar and cherries and Kevin on top?
BSB Story's Funky Site Award

Sign My Guestbook!!!!


Backstreet Love

Picture Gallery
Bios of the Five Hottest Guys in the World!
Surveys!(They Actually Work Now!!)
Picture of the Week!!
Know Your Backstreet Girlfriend
*BSB Tour Dates '99!*

Backstreer Humor

You Know You're A True Backstreet Boys Teenybopper If....
*UPDATED!!*Click Here For My Backstreet Humor Section....

...And Other Cool Stuff

The Wacko Who Made This Page
The Pics of the Girlfriends
Kudos to the Helper
Fan Fiction--Submit Your Own Fiction!
Links To Other Sites
