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With a lack of anything entertaining to do around here, we were forced to provide some more of our own entertainment which this time comes in the form of urban expeditions. Our first documented expedition was at the old Studebaker automobile factory.

These are some shots of the outside of the building where we entered. This is just one tiny corner of a huge building. If you notice, there are train tracks leading into the large doors. We have determined this building is where the trains delivered raw materials to start the automobile building process. Also note the large "S" at the top of the building.

The picture on top is the view directly inside the doors picture above. The picture doesn't even begin to capture how enormous the inside of this building is. The picture on the bottom is a view from a hole in the roof of a room that has literally thousands of the exact same engine lined up next to each other. The picture quality is poor, but the sheer number of engine in that room is amazing.

There are some shots from the roof of the building. Again, the pictures have a hard time capturing how huge this building is. Each of this pictures probably only show a tiny fraction of the whole roof at one time.

On top here, Joe is shown holding a wheelbarrow that looks like its out of the twenties or thirties. This picture was taken on the roof.

These are the only pictures of this expedition that turned out decently. When the weather gets a bit nicer we will be venturing out there again to get some more pictures and to explore the two or three other buildings in the Studebaker complex. We also shot some video that will be posted in the future. Once we start getting enough material, an entirely different website will be started that is solely dedicated to our urban expeditions.