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Character Profiles


Goten is the second son of Gokou and the brother of Gohan. Goten and Trunks are best buddies. In a special movie, the two feel their fathers energy as they fuse into Gogeta, and they follow suit and fuse into Gotenks and perform a super ghost kamikaze attack. Like the rest of the Son family, Goten has a big appetite. In the Broly story, Goten makes an appearance and helps out his dad, Trunks, and Piccolo get rid of Broly. In the final movie of the Broly story, it is up to No. 18, Trunks, and of course, Goten to finish the job as Jaguar genetically cloned Broly.

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Trunks is the son of Bulma and Vegeta. Half Saiyan and half human, just like Gohan and Goten. Trunks was surrounded by a scientific enviroment. Having his mother and grandfather as scientists, Trunks became very intelligent at science. In the future, Trunks and Goten were battling the androids, but they were too strong, Bulma had completed a time machine and sent Trunks back to help Gokou and Gohan fight. This is the story of Mirai (Future) Trunks. Another version of Trunks is the small child version, Chibi Trunks. In most of the Dragonball Z series, Trunks and Goten fight side by side and they are in the Broly story and the "Fusion Form:Gokou and Vegeta" movie as well. They are in others too. Trunks is famous for killing Freiza by slicing him in half. This was Trunks' first appearance on the show. Of course, he is one of my favorite characters on the show. He was also one of the stars in the third and final dragonball series, Dragonball GT. Dragonball GT was about the journey around space that Trunks, Gokou, and Pan had traveled in search of the Dark Star dragonballs. Which is why GT stands for Grand Tour. In one hilarious episode, Trunks is forced to dress as a princess to marry some beast.



Gohan is the second most important character in dragonball. His father, Gokou is the most important. Gohan grows from a little child of 5 to a grown up of 25 in the series. A picture of him when he was 9 and in super saiyan stage is pictured right. Gohan's 15 minutes of fame was when he destroyed the great villain, Cell with one single punch. Another identity of Gohan was as the great Saiyaman. He defeated everyone in a tournament and then unmasked himself as Son Gohan. Gohan was trained by the nameccian Piccolo. Piccolo was first in the Dragonball series as a villian but then switched to the side of good. He never really liked Gokou, but he did take a liking towards Gokou's son, Gohan. He trained him and in the Vegeta saga, took a big punch intended for Gohan by Vegeta's right hand man, Napa. The two got closer together as the series went on, and in one part, Gohan sings a song to Piccolo about how much he admires him, while Piccolo looked on, insulted by this saiyan warrior singing a song. Later in the series, Gohan began going out with the daughter of Mr. Satan, Videl. I am not quite sure, but I think that later on, the two got married. Son Gohan also made an appearance in Dragonball GT. In the Baby saga, Baby takes over the body of Gohan, and Gohan hits Piccolo with a kamehameha while Piccolo retreats and carries Goten to safety.



His real name is Kakaroto. He discovered that from his brother Raditz which is also the first time he learned that he is a Saiyajin. Not only is he a great warrior, but also a spectacular leader. Throughout the entire series, he had inspired many, including both of his sons, Gohan and Goten and especially Vegeta. He is a diligent and hardworking person who would never fail to take on new challenges. Even though he had became the most powerful warrior in the universe by defeating Freeza, he still strive to become better. After Future Trunks had foretold the arrival of the cyborgs and Dr. Gero. He could have opted for the easy path by getting to Dr. Gero before the cyborgs were created, but he chose to challenge himself instead by preparing for their arrival. Goku’s unfaltering spirit and confidence is remarkable. After he forfeited the battle against Cell, no one, not even Gohan himself had the confidence to defeat Cell. Goku was the only one who had confidence in Gohan and followed through all the way to the end, even after Gohan was seriously injured and lost the will to fight. He never quits under any circumstance. Even after everyone gave up, his mind never stopped looking for solutions. Seconds before Cell was about to explode and destroy Earth, Goku realized he could teleport Cell to another location. His leadership and inspiration was proved pivotal as Future Trunks unveiled the grim story of his time where Goku died of a rare heart disease and everyone except for Trunks were killed. The most tragic of all was that Gohan’s tremendous talent was never realized as he died under the hands of #17. After the Dragon Ball Warriors initial encounter with #17 and #18 and subsequently Cell, Goku realized that he must transcend the Super Saiyajin to stand a chance against the cyborgs. Under his guidance, an intensive training program in the "Time Room" was launched. During that time, he trained Gohan for the first time and fully unleashed Gohan's potential. The one person he had inspired most throughout the series was Vegeta. Vegeta entered the story as as an evil individual who would find any means necessary to satisfy his hunger for power who was also too proud to accept defeat. Through Goku’s inspiration, Vegeta slowly transformed into a good hearted person who accepted himself. During Goku’s final battle with Majin Buu, he openly accepted that he was no match for neither Buu nor Goku and willing to participate in the sidelines (by gathering energy for Goku’s final strike) rather than the actual fight.



He is one of the characters who was originally evil, but through a series of unexpected events, the evil in him was slowly washed away as Piccolo took different forms. Piccolo is the offspring of Daimon, who was the pure evil which separated from Kami-sama as another body. Piccolo and Kami-sama is one person in two bodies. If one of them die, both will die. When Daimon was killed by Son Gokou, he vowed that his offspring Piccolo will avenge him. Thus, Piccolo's character is not just pure evil the way Daimon is. He is simply focused on destroying Son Gokou. The two of them first met in the Budokai. Because of the arrival of Raditz, Piccolo found himself an unwilling partner of Son Goku and together defeated Raditz. When he learned that two more poweful Saiyajin will avenge Raditz, Piccolo only found himself even more unwillingly on Goku's side by volunteering to train his Son, Gohan to become a warrior to fight against the Saiyajin. Piccolo's militant training style made Gohan a stronger person, gradually unleashing Gohan's tremendous talent. During the time he spent with Gohan, Piccolo began to develop love and care for Gohan, which was fully realized when he sacrificed his life for Gohan in the battle against Nappa. His love and care for Gohan is readily apparent throughout the Freeza and Cell series. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Even though he is evil at heart, Vegeta is perhaps one of the most strong-willed characters in the series. Like Son Gokou, he is extremely industrious, constantly striving to be better, but different purposes drove Vegeta's spirit. Gokou fought to defend the lives and others and to challenge his limitations while Vegita fought to satiate his bloodthirsty appetite and die hard pride, which is unwilling to accept defeat. This gradually changes throughout the series. The primary driver of his will is Son Gokou. Vegita's defeat in his first encounter with Gokou and his unwillingness to accept Gokou being more powerful had constantly fuelled his strong will to continue to train himself. After seeing Gokou turn into Super Saiyajin and defeating Freiza, he grew even more jealous of Goku’s achievements and immersed himself in intensive training. After much sweat and frustration, he finally became Super Saiyayin. He only enjoyed a fleeting moment of pride in destroying #20, before being defeated by #18. Vegeta’s first catharsis occurred during Son Gohan’s battle with Cell. Because of his rash decision to attack Cell when he did not have the power to, had caused Gohan’s arm to be seriously injured when Gohan saved his life. Not only was he not even close to Cell’s ability, but also served as a hindrance to Gohan. That was the first time Vegita accepted his incapabilities by making an apology to Gohan. By the time Majin Buu appeared, what used to be a cold-hearted Vegeta changed. Right before he proceeded to sacrifice his life in an attempt to destroy Buu, he told Trunks that he cared about him and how he felt bad about giving Trunks much less attention then Trunks deserved. During Son Goku's final battle with Majin Buu, Vegita goes through a complete catharsis. He realized that Goku's pure and kind heart gave Goku the power that Vegeta never had. He finally realizes that the good ultimately prevails.



As a former champion of the Budokai, Son Goku learned quite a bit from him. When Son Goku first saw Kamesennin use the "Kame Hame Ha" early in the Dragon Ball series, Kamesennin became his first Sensai. Goku's potential was slowly realized through his training. Kamesenin influenced Son Goku beyond fighting tehnique. He had always believed that one should always seek to improve no matter what level of skill one is in. In the first competition, he purposely joined the contest and defeated Goku such that he'll have someting to strive for rather than being content. In the second competition, he purposely forfeited the fight against Tenshinhan to show that there is always someone better. What he taught Goku is readily apparent as Goku spared the lives of his opponents hoping to meet a greater challenge in the Future. Also, even after defeating Freeza and there is no apparent warrior who is stronger, he still sought to improve his skills rather than returning to earth. His significance, however, faded quite dramatically in Z. He is portrayed as nothing more than just a dirty old man.



The ultimate creation of Dr. Gero. After extensive research of gathering information about the Namic, Saiyajin and Freeza's race's fighting techniques as well as their biological make-up, Dr. Gero was able to combine the best of everyone into a single entity called Cell. Cell's purpose seemed to be nothing but to do be ultimate fighting machine regardless of the methods (such taking millions of lives to fuel his power). Cell's power is not fully realized until he absorbs both #17 and #18, which is called the "Complete Form" or the 3rd stage of development. After he had reached Complete Form and believed that no could defeat him, everything became a game to him. He subsequently spared the life of Trunks after Trunks forfeited the fight against him. He announced the Cell Game and gave the Dragon Ball Warriors time to "get up to speed" in order to seek more challenge. He had always believed that Son Goku was his ultimate challenge. It wasn't until Son Goku forfeited the fight and handed it over to his more powerful son, Gohan (no pun intended). When Cell was finally confronted with defeat and even death by Gohan, nothing was a game to him anymore. Vegence was the only thing that filled his evil mind. He became much more powerful after his unsuccessful attempt to destroy the world by his self-destruct mechanism. But he was still no match for Son Gohan.


Majin Buu

Majin Buu is the evil creation of Babi di. He is perhaps the most interesting of all villains in Dragon Ball Z. Not only is he the most powerful and indestructable villain, but his personalities also seemed boundless. Buu is capable of absorbing his enemies and their powers as well. He absorbs his enemies in two ways. The first way is transforming the target into a palatable item (such as chocolate - Buu's favorite) by his "antenna." The second method is by wrapping the target using a part of himself as a blanket and pulling the victim into his body. Every time he absorbs an enemy, his appearance will also mutate, resembling the look of that enemy. Buu first showed himself as fat and goofy-looking. The reason why Buu looks fat and goofy is because he had previously engulfed a kaiwongshin with such figure. Buu's encounter with Mr. Satan was the most interesting. Mr. Satan revealed the "good" side of Buu which we never thought Buu had. Mr. Satan even convinced Buu never to commit any evil deeds again. Unfortunately, the "evil" in him cannot be contained. The "evil" was unleashed when Buu was angered by the near fatal shooting of Mr. Satan. The "evil" Buu splits from the "good" Buu. The "evil" Buu easily defeated and re-absorbed the "good" Buu demonstrating that there is really more "evil" than "good" in Buu. The absorbtion transformed Buu into a purely evil entity. We do not see the "original" appearance until the combined Vegeto infiltrated the body of Buu and plucked out everyone he has absorbed, including "good" Buu, also dramatically reducing his power. Nevertheless, he still has enough power to destroy earth, and does so. The final battle took place in the remote planet of ... where Buu was finally defeated.



The third all mechanical Cyborg that Future Trunks did not encounter in his time. In contrast to the other creations of Dr. Gero, his character is benign. He has a love for nature and wants to protect it. He is more powerful than both #17, #18 and even the fully powered 1st stage Cell. But he was eventually overpowered by 2nd stage Cell after engulfing #17. His most significant role occurs after he was repaired by Dr. Briefs and Buluma and joins the battle in the Cell Game. After he was damaged for the second time and beyond repair by Cell, he served as the catalyst who sparked Son Gohan into 2nd Stage SSJ, surpassing Cell's capability.



He is one of the Cyborgs created by Dr. Gero for the purpose of killing Son Goku. In Future Trunk's world, he's simply an evil individual with no regard for human life. Along with #18, he killed most of the world including Piccolo, Vejeta, Yamucha, Tenshinhan and even Son Gohan, leaving Future Trunks as mankind's only hope. He is quite a different character in the "present" world. Although his character is not evil, his big ego got the best of him. Believing that no one in the universe is stronger than him, he could not accept that fact that he was unable to defeat Cell and fell an easy victim to Cell, thus contributing to Cell's Development to 2nd Stage.



She is another creation of Dr. Gero with the destiny to destroy Son Goku. Kuririn fell for her after his first encounter with her. She was unable to escape the persistance of 2nd stage Cell to become 3rd stage ("Complete Form"), and was finally engulfed by him to achieve his dream of the "perfect fighting machine." We don't see #18 again until after Cell was nearly destroyed by Son Gohan and spits her back out. Kuririn "rescues" her and they subsequently settled down with a daughter.



Considering the serious storyline of the DBZ, he serves as the comic relief. When Cell called for the best warriors in the world to challenge him in the Cell Game, Mr. Satan, the world boxing champion answered the challenge and declared himself the savior of the world. He regarded the powers of Cell and the Dragon Ball Warriors as mere "illusions." Even when the whole world shook in the epic battle between Son Gohan and Cell, he stood firm to his view. However, even though he did not outwardly admit what he saw was very real, his cowardly excuses to avoid battle and taking the credit for defeating Cell readily demonstrated otherwise. Mr. Satan fooled the whole world of his powers and continued to do so when he paid off #18 for his title in the Budokai after Cell was defeated. The most interesting portion of his presence in DBZ was his friendship with Majin Buu. Like no one else, he brought out the "good" in Buu and even convinced Buu not to kill anymore. Despite of his lies, Mr. Satan did contribute to his share to saving the earth. In the Cell Game, it was him who brought what was left of #16 to Son Gohan, who ultimately drove Gohan's spirit to transform into Super Gohan. He also contributed to the defeat of Majin Buu by convincing everyone to contribute their share of energy to Son Goku's Kenki Dama which ultimately destroyed Buu.



He was a disciple of Tsurusennin, who is a rival of Kamesennin training to become an assassin like Tao Paipai (Tsurusennin's brother). He first appeared in the 22nd Budokai and presented himself to be quite an arrogant character who was quite certain that he'll win the competition. All that changed after he met Son Goku. Son Goku defeated Tao Paipai. Tsurusennin wanted vengeance, even if it means cheating in the competition and killing Goku. When Tenshinhan faced Goku on the final match, Goku turned out to be such a challenge that he no longer wanted to be a killer nor a disciple of Tsurusennin. He only wanted to have a fair match against Goku using his own strength. After defeating Goku by a very narrow margin, he realized he did not want to learn the evil ways of Tsurusennin and he along with Chao-zu became disciples of Kamesennin instead. Thereafter, Goku became someone he constantly tried to emulate. Even the presence of poweful Saiyajins does not stop him from trying to become the best.