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Love's Cry

One lonely raindrop falls from the sky.
One lonely tear falls from my eye.
There's a snake in the grass,
And a wolf at my door. Love, or hate,
Which one hurts more?

Lonely is the road of life,
It twines you like a polished knife.
Values and virtues only to hurt,
Because it comes back always as curt.

Friends, or lovers, is it for real?
They never give, but your love, they'll steal.
What do you look for in this world of strife,
When all you feel is a miserable life?

One heart has stopped,
the other one black,
Everything for both,
but still stabbed in the back.

What can you do when it all seems downhill?
Happiness is the feeling farthest from real.
Sealed in a fortress is where love should be,
But some trust too much and let it go free.

What is this hatred, this thing called love?
Is it the heat of a fire, or the heart of a dove?
Or could it just be some stupid emotion,
That some just cannot feel?

That, I think, is the answer, for real.
It is something that some just cannot contain.
Like flames of a fire, put out by the rain.
One lonely raindrop falls from the sky.
One lonely tear falls from my eye.