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Sunny Sky Stables is closed right now. We will be re-opening in mid-February. We will only accept a certain number of boarders, so if you would like to be on the waiting list to board at SSS, please e-mail Jessica ( and let her know the number of horses you will board at SSS and which plan you would like. I will send an e-mail to everyone who boards when SSS is open and your horses will automatically be boarded at SSS. You will be responsible for canceling your boarding contract with other stables. I'll see you all in February! I can't wait to be back, it's been too long!

Come on in and enjoy!
Sunny Sky Stables is a stable in a sim game called
Adventures With Horses.


You pull up the paved road past a beautifully painted Welcome sign.
You park your car next to one of the brightly painted barns.
From here you can see several other large barns and shows rings.
You can hear the sounds of pounding hoofs coming from the race track.
Stepping into the large well lit barns, you see three neatly swept
rows of stalls, Each stall has a gold horseshoe name plate hanging above the door.
As you walk down the aisles several horses poke their heads out to say hello.
You hear footsteps behind you.
"Hello, my name is Jessica!" the girl says.
"Welcome to Sunny Sky Stables!
May I show you around?"

No thanks, I'll just look around on my own.

No Thanks, Could you give me a map instead?

Yes! Please show me around!


If you would like a map that you can click on pictures of things and have it bring you to pages, please click on the choice "No Thanks, Could you give me a map instead". If you would like a page with a list of links (message board, boarding plans, barns, shows, etc) please click on "No Thanks, I'll just look around on my own". If you would like to take a tour and have us guide you through SSS page by page please click on "Yes! Please show me around."

This Ribbon means that we oppose horse slaughter.
If you have a website please put one up!