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Cheat Codes for NASCAR 98

EA Sports Car: You can only do this trick in exhibition mode. Go to the Race Setup/Car Select screen and highlight the Kenny Wallace car. Then hold X then press Up, Down.

Note: You will lose this car if you leave Exhibition Mode.

Faster Car: To build a faster car, go to the car set-up screen. Once there, put your tire pressure all the way up, wedge all the way down, rear spoiler all the way down, and gear ratios all the way up.

Paintball Mode: Go to race statistics and then push and hold down R1, R2, L1, and L2. You should hear an engine sound. this may take a couple tries, but it will work. Once this code is activated you can push the TRIANGLE button to shoot paintballs.

Pinnacle Car: You can only do this trick in exhibition mode. Go to the Race Setup/Car Select screen and highlight the Bobby Labonte car. Then hold X then press Up, Down.

Note: You will lose this car if you leave Exhibition Mode.

Turbo Mode: At the Options screen, hold Circle then press Up, Left, Down, Right. A new option will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Waving Racers: First go into the view so you can see the driver holding the steering wheel. Next hold down triangle for 2 seconds.