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Lorrin N'zall

Type: Mission Specialist

Gender/species: Male/HRD

Age: 4 Height: 1.9 meters Weight 156 kg

Physical description: Average height, light build, short black hair and black eyes. Wears dark cloak. Looks to be in early 20's.

Dexterity: 5D

Dodge 6D, Firearms 6D, blaster 5D+1, melee combat 6D, melee parry 6D, pulse weapons 5D+1, Acrobatics 6D+1

Knowledge: 4D

Scholar: Xenobiology 4D+2, Scholar: Psychology 4D+1, willpower 4D+1, scholar: assasination 5D

Mechanical 3D+1

Perception 4D+1

Sneak 5D, Search 5D, con 5D, search tracking 5D+1

Strength 4D+2

stanima 5D, Brawling 5D

Technical 3D+2

First aid 5D+1, (A) medicine 2D security 4D+2, Demolitions 4D+1

special abilities:

stilleto blade in hand (Str+1D) thermal imaging eyes, linguistics module

Equipment: Silenced slug thrower (3D), compact shotgun (4D), sniper blaster (4D), light repeating blaster (6D)

background:Lorin N’Zall was created by Simonelle the Ingolian five years ago in an experiment that would bridge the gap between humans and droids. Constructed as a Mark II nanotechnologically-enhanced HRD (Human Replica Droid), Lorin was built after the shattering failures of Guri (was regarded as a failure for unknown reasons), Simonelle’s own HRD (destroyed by Guri), and Deamon Ruseole forced Simonelle to use the countermeasures he detested most-- ethics programming and morality firewalls (removing Lorin’s ability to harm another being and so forth). Simonelle learned much after Guri’s and Deamon’s constuction--Lorin was created using new, high-tech nanotechnological cellular growth methods and a new, nanomachine-based highly modified AA-3a Verbo brain (the only one known to exist in the galaxy). These methods allowed Lorin to blend in even easier with galactic society, with the only ways to detect that he even is a droid is a simple scan (vat-grown skin never lies) or a very rare nanomachine detecter (only a handful are known to exist in the entire galaxy), both ways producing varied and unreliable results. Thus, Lorin was a human to all those who did not know his secret. However, Lorin was not completed by Simonelle before he had to flee from his secret laboratory on Mrlsst after an Imperial raid. The Imperials found Lorin’s half-grown/completed body and Simonelle’s research, and then completed the droid by Imperial standards. His athletic and mental abilities were greatly enhanced, producing an effectively super human droid, while his body was altered to further suit Imperial needs. The Imperials removed his HRD right arm and replaced it with a nano-grown arm which contained a retractable combat blade made of an as of yet unknown material and encased it with a nanoholographic sheath that would emulate a normal human arm perfectly. His eyes were removed and replaced with multiple-range night vision/thermal imaging targeter arrays nanogrown to simulate eyes perfectly. The only flaw is that due to the sensitivity of the targeting array, Lorin’s pupils are a very inhuman shade of black. Lorin’s memory was wiped clean of any morality and ethics programming it once had and it was replaced with standard issue Imperial anti-insurrection firewall programming (Lorin cannot initiate an act of hostility against any high-ranking Imperial official he was not programmed to kill). He was then activated and trained to be an Imperial assassin. He was code-named Agent #4326409 by the ISB. Lorin excelled in all forms of training he was given. He quickly learned to be a formidable opponent in most forms of melee, unarmed, and ranged combat. His crowning achievement in melee combat was to defeat an entire squad of Storm Commandos and three Nogrhi in under six minutes, brutally tearing apart one of the Noghri limb from limb in the process. He became an excellent assassin, learning how to slowly sneak up on the target unnoticed and killing them in one of several different methods, all grossly brutal, including sniping, which Lorin excelled at above all others. He was once noted as being able to scare an enraged Wookie so much that it voided its entire excretory system and hid, refusing to show itself until it finally collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration by simply killing one of it’s comrades in a particularly brutal fashion. After Lorin’s extensive training in most forms of combat and assassination, he was about to go out on his first assignment when a Rebel attack ended all of that. He fought against the Rebels fiercely, stopping only when he was shot full force by an Imperial Ion cannon. The shot created a feedback loop inside of Lorin’s programming, effectively voiding his memory and leaving him a virtual amnesiac. One certain Rebel Special Ops group known as Rax Claws that happened to be in the raid realized his frightening potential for destruction and convinced the droid to join their cause by telling him he was an undercover Rebel operative that was wounded in the course of the battle and summarily lost his memory. Unfortunately, all of the Imperial training seemed to have went with his memory as he possessed none of the deadly fighting skills that he displayed during the brief raid on the Imperial base. Instead, he was trained as a combat medic by the team and given rudimentary combat training. He began to think of the team as his family, as those people were the only ones he knew after he lost his memory. He fought for the Rebellion bravely and without rest until his team was completely wiped out during/as a result of/after a confrontation with the Rebel group known as Crax’s Fire. He vowed to revenge his fallen comrades by any way possible, even by betraying the Rebellion he knew and loved for his known life. As a result of the trauma placed on Lorin from the loss of his group, he has started to regain his memory though various dreams, hallucinations, and thoughts he has experienced since his loss. In addition, in a recent confrontation with an ancient psionic alien race has weakened the feedback loop even more, resulting in longer and more direct resurfacing of memories. He passes these relapses off as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and refuses to seek aid or notify anyone else of these relapses. As a result of a recent experience with a powerful Dark Side artifact, Lorin’s programming has become even less stable, causing him to think of others as inferior to his abilities and making him very paranoid about the loss of the artifact, which he regards as a key to regaining his memory. As for current capabilities, Lorin has yet to achieve his full potential, as he possesses limited combat capabilities and is lacking of the more rudimentary of skills, such as vehicle operation, investigation, and the like. He has chosen to spend most of his time studying xenobiology, psychology, and medicine, as he hopes to prevent anyone else from going through the same trauma he has. All feelings of superiority and cockiness vanish when it is time for him to do his job.

Personality: Cold, calculating, and cocky. A little naive and egotistical.

Objectives: To serve Spec. Ops to fullest abilities; regain his memory.

A quote: "What do you mean I seem different?"

Move: 15

Force sensitive: No

Force points: 0

dark side points: 1

character points: 3