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*Note All Cheats May Not Work*

MissingNo. Pokemon To get the MissingNo. Pokemon, you must first trade with someone on the Cinnibar Islands in the Ressurection Biulding. Then go to the right side of the island and surf on the coast (where it looks like you are half on land and half on water). You will then run into a pokemon named MissingNo. If you capture it, it has high attack but sucky defense. (WARNING, if you catch the MissingNo. Pokemon it can cause major glitches or delete your game!)

MasterBall Cheat First go into battle with a GreatBall. then throw the GreatBall and hold Down and B. It will then act as a MasterBall.

Celedon Slot Tip A good tip is to go around and try all of the slots 4 times.

Free Coins At Game Corner Go around the game corner and keep on pressing A. You should find a bunch of coins.

Clone Pokemon First go to the trading center at any poke center. Then select trading center and trade a pokemon to be cloned and a crappy pokemon. Let the game trade the pokemon but when it waiting dissapears, turn of the cloners gameboy. When Trade complete appears, turn off the other one. (WARNING, this code can delete your game!)

Yoshi-Mon To get Yoshi in Pokemon here are the steps:

1.Have a red and blue version and both players must have all 150 Pokemon. Trade a Dratini from the red version to the blue version.

2.Have the blue version evolve it into a its next stage.

3.Trade it back to the red version.

4.Now go to the dungeon where you found Mewtwo and surf nearest to where you found him.

5.Use a Fire Stone on the evolved Dratini, it will say not available but you can use it anyways. Then it will start to evolve into Yoshi. It's moves will be the same as they were before but its ID will be 999. (I got this code from a friend who scanned a pic of his Yoshi from his Pokemon game on his GB.)

Catch Safari Zone Pokemon Out of the Safari Zone!

1.Go to the Safari Zone and waste your time in an area where you want the Pokemon from.

2.Fly to the Cinnibar Islands and surf up and down the coast (where it looks like your half on land and half on water) and do that until you find the pokemon you want.

3.No more of that Bait and Rocks CRAP! Now you can fight them all