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Palladium Optional Rules

This is the Optional Rules section. None of these rules are integral to themselves. In other words, you can pick any of these rules you care to use without fear of a rules imbalance. They are merely some helpful suggestions on ways to spice up your Palladium campaign without conforming to some other game system.

Personally, I use all of these optional rules. I feel they more accurately immulate the true feeling & atmosphere intended for the such games as Rifts & Macross. This is not to say that these optional rules-exception of missile revisions-do not work equally well in a medival setting. Feel free to look through these rules & adapt which ever ones you like to your own game.

I've used them in Rifts already & all I can say is, "WOW!" They really add a new twist to the game. Though I have yet to test them in the Macross setting, I'm sure these rules would totally kick Zentran butt. I hope you use & enjoy them.

Broken Down Phases

Each round is broken in to four phases. A characters actions go in order of the phases. In other words, if you have one action, you act on phase one. Two on the other hand act on phases one & three. Three actions go on one thru three. However, if you have an over flow of actions, hence, five actions or more, they are rolled randomly with a 1D4. Basically, if a character had six actions/attacks, one would be placed in each phase. The character will roll randomly for the other two remaining actions.

There is an obvious advantage to this four phase, over lapping rule. It is that a character with a lot of attacks may or may not get more than one attack to his opponents one.

Also, by Palladium rules, a character can move upto his SPDx5 in the beginning or a round. To make this more believable, split this value by four (the four phases). In other words, if a character had a SPD of 10 (x5 for the round=50) he could move 12.5yds/meters per phase.

Opposed Die Roll

All attacks are handled with an opposed die roll. This is under the assumption that the defender is aware of the on coming attack or conscious. It's real simple, the attacker makes his attack roll, applying all applicable modifiers & the defender makes a dodge applying all applicable modifiers. The higher roll wins out. Dodges & parries cost NO actions/attacks. In other words, a character is not going to lose one of his actions by dodging or parrying.

Active Dodge

This is basically an opposed die roll with a +5 bonus. An opposed roll is usually when someone just ducks or tilts to one side in attempt to get in closer for a counter. That's why it costs no actions. An "active dodge", on the other hand, is where someone leaps or gets WAY away. An active dodge costs one action.