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   Welcome to Lucky A'Z Appaloosas. This site is under construction so please pardon us while we build. Thank you.

Lucky A'Z is a small ranch in Norco, California. Our mission is to breed quality colored Appaloosas with great minds for versatility...halter, trail and performance. We stand the Appaloosa stallion Hard Copy, a dun and white HYPP N/N son of Convincer.

Visit his page to see pictures and view his pedigree.

   We offer mare care, boarding, and foaling out at reasonable rates.

   Stock for sale at almost all times. You can view our current sales list here and find your next champion.

Before you go, don't forget to visit our

baby pictures page, showcasing Hard Copy's foals, and about Lucky A'Z.

Page last updated- 12/3/99


H a p p y Ho l i d a y s

from Lucky A'Z

Lucky A'Z Appaloosas
Norco, California
Spotappr @

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