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    More than likely you can't hear the music because you have not downloaded a MIDI player. What is a MIDI player you ask? MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. That is fancy computer talk for computer generated music.

    The best, and most popular MIDI player is from Live Update called Crescendo. The basic, free player works quite well. Follow these instructions on how to dowload:

  1. Visit Live Update's website by clicking here.
  2. From the Live Update website, click on "Crescendo Now."
  3. There are several different choices for the type of MIDI player to download, the basic, free player is what I've used for months, but the choice is yours.
  4. Download your version of Crescendo.
  5. After downloading Crescendo, it may be necessary to re-boot your computer.
  6. Visit The Wilson Harmon Family Homepage again!

    Our Favorite MIDI Links!