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This spread is named for it’s shape, which resembles a horseshoe, crescent moon, or pyramid. It's one of my very favorites because it not only reveals that which is hidden, but it also suggests a course of action the querant may wish to follow.

CARD ONE: This card represents past influences and conditions. It is laid out in the bottom right hand corner of the spread.

CARD TWO: Card two indicates the present conditions . It may be subjective and relate to thoughts or feelings, or it may be objective, and relate to tangible, known circumstances or people. This card it placed above and slightly to the left of the first card.

CARD THREE: What is hidden. This reveals unforeseen circumstances, secrets and situations that have not been taken into account - and which may influence the outcome of the reading. This card is placed above and slightly to the left of the second card.

CARD FOUR: This card represents obstacles and challenges. These may be major obstacles or just passing influences. Again, as with card two, it may denote either the inner world of thought and feelings, or the outer world of material events. This card forms the apex of the spread.

CARD FIVE: What surrounds you. This position describes the current background to your question, the environment, and the presence of others . Help and guidance, or the attitudes of others may be revealed here. This card is placed below and slightly to the left of the fourth card.

CARD SIX: Suggested course of action. Suggestions for action, biding your time, enlisting the aid of others, etc. will be signified here. This card is placed below and a little to the left of the fifth card.

CARD SEVEN: Probable result. this card assumes that you will take the action suggested by card six, and overcome any of the challenges revealed by cards three and four. This card is placed opposite card one, and completes the horseshoe or crescent shape formed by the other cards.

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