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This spread is especially useful when you need insight into all of the factorss affecting your decisions or future course.

There are 10 cards in this spread and they are laid out in the shape of an anchor . Card 1 is the bottom card in the lay-out and card 10 is the top. Cards 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 form the base of the anchor, and cards 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 form the upright portion of the anchor.

The meaning of each position in this spread are listed below:

1. General circumstances prevailing. What is happening now?

2. What is my current direction?

3. How am I preventing the free flow of my life?

4. What opportunities are currently available to me?

5. Home/family factors.

6. Job/vocational factors.

7. Relationship factors.

8. What should I be more self-aware of?

9. The past

10. The future/possible outcome.

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