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The following are classes that the Boys are doing at the moment.

Web Site

Why: Some of the boys in the Company thought that would be a good idea to make a Web site and put it onto the internet.

When: It was made on Thursday nights during Boys' Brigade by some of the boys.

How: The first thing that they did was sit down and decide what they wanted to see on the web site and then they had to create the pages on paper (how they wanted them to look on the internet). After that we put it onto a computer and then it got put onto the internet and is what you see now.



Andrew - He designed and made the Home Page for the site.

Daniel - He designed and got the information for the "Members Profile" page.

Michael (officer) - He oversaw everything, provide the computer and then put the site on the Internet.

Peter - He designed and made this page "Activities" page.

Model Makeing


Andrew - is making a model of a Rally Car.

Edward - is making a model of a "Tiger" Tank.

Jared - is making a model of a scene from Star Wars "Battle of Hoth".

David - is making a model of a Boat.

Mr. Mahoney (helper) - is making a model of a Lumber Yard Building.



This is another activity that some of the boys are doing. There names are Richard, Raymond, Nathan and Michael. Some of the things that they have been making are Picklets, scones and Banana Choc-Chip Muffins, of which they eat most of themselves. Click here to go to the "Things to do page" and see some of the receipies.

