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Updated 10/15/98
Here are some scenes from Young Riders episodes that I really love. I hope you enjoy them as well!

Ok, this page is getting a little unruly. I'm working on a new organization scheme, but it will take some time to get it together. Please bear with me! :)

Jimmy and Sarah flirting in "Blind Love"

Jimmy rides out to the trail where he knows he'll run into Sarah. She pulls her horse up just short of him.

Sarah: So did you ride all the way out here just to block my path?

Jimmy: Uh, no ma'am, I... To be truthful, I ain't exactly quite sure why I rode out here.

Sarah: Got yourself a beautiful animal here.

Jimmy: Sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself.

Sarah: Well then maybe I should ask him what brought you all the way out here.

Sarah goes over to Jimmy's horse and talks in his ear...

Sarah: Do you wanna tell me why a handsome young man like this rode all the way out here to see me?

Jimmy's horse nickers softly and Sarah listens intently.

Jimmy: What'd he say?

Sarah: I'm a lady. Wouldn't be proper for me to repeat words like that.

Jimmy and Lou in town in "Blind Love"

Jimmy is looking for a gift for Sarah and Lou gives him some advice.

Lou: I'd want a cameo, with a beautiful gold chain!

Jimmy: Must be hard on you.

Lou: What's that?

Jimmy: Not bein able to wear women's things (Lou laughs). Not bein able to be who you are.

Lou: Sometimes. But that's not what makes you a woman.

Jimmy smiles and looks down. Lou just shrugs :)

Jimmy packing for his trip to Kansas in "Song of Isaiah"

Jimmy is packing things into a bag. He hears someone coming into the bunkhouse and quickly stashes an item under some clothes. It's Kid.

Kid: Oh good, you haven't left yet.

Jimmy: Actually I've been gone an hour. Why?

Kid: Teaspoon's got a special dispatch for Kansas City. Figured you could use the company.

Jimmy: Well that's alright. You don't have to.

Kid: Oh, I want to.

Jimmy: Look Kid, this ain't no big thing. Just goin to see my sister is all.

Kid: Becoming an uncle for the first time ain't a big deal?

Jimmy: No.

Kid digs around Jimmy's clothes...

Kid: Oh, well uh... what's this?

Kid holds out a TEDDY BEAR! A gift Jimmy is planning on taking for the baby!!

Jimmy: (reaching for it) Give it.

Kid jerks it away.

Jimmy: Alright, you can go. (Kid hands over the bear) Just hurry up before we get any more interruptions.

Just then, Teaspoon comes in, followed by Noah, Buck, and Cody.

Teaspoon: Jimmy...

Jimmy: (whispers) Damn...

Teaspoon: You goin someplace?

Jimmy: What do you guys want?

Teaspoon: Well we didn't think it was right for you to leave without a proper goodbye.

Jimmy: Alright, well you did it. So if you don't mind...

Teaspoon: Jimmy, uh...

The riders stand aside to let Lou enter. She's holding something behind her back. Jimmy looks completely exasperated.

Jimmy: (loud sigh) What?

Lou: Rachel knitted a little blanket for the baby -- one side's pink, the other side's blue for whichever way it turns out.

Jimmy takes the package from her.

Lou: And I got somethin for you too. (She pulls out a BOTTLE! The guys go "Awww!") It's in case you get thirsty along the way.

Jimmy: I'll be sure to share it with the Kid.

Buck: Look at that. Jimmy Hickok, fastest bottle in the West!

Noah: (sweet voice) That's just Uncle Jimmy.

Lou laughs, and Kid and Jimmy laugh too :)

Kid and Noah try to outsmart Jennifer Walker in "Bad Company"

Jennifer: Lord, am I glad to see you.

Noah: Can't say the feeling's mutual.

Kid: Don't know about back East, but down this way, people try to stay on their wagons.

Noah: Well since she don't know how to ride it, Kid, maybe we oughta take it. The walk'll do her good.

Jennifer: You can't be serious.

Kid: What about the rattlers, Noah?

Noah: I don't think that should be a problem -- I mean, they don't usually attack their own.

Lou and Elias talking in "The Blood of Others"

Elias: He's awful quiet back there.

Lou: Guess you got him thinkin. Havin' your life saved isn't somethin that happens every day.

Elias: It is on this trip.

Lou and Jimmy talking during the night in "The Blood of Others"

Lou: Can't sleep? (Pause) Jimmy?

Lou gets up and walks over to where Jimmy is brooding, head in hand.

Lou: You're thinkin about him, aren't ya?

Jimmy: The man's an outlaw. Ain't much more to think about.

Lou: (gently) Yeah there is, and you know it.

Jimmy: It's late. Stay up if you want. I'm going to sleep.

Jimmy stands up and starts to walk away from Lou.

Lou: When ya gonna stop walkin away? When are you gonna admit the truth?

Jimmy stops and turns half-way

Jimmy: And what truth is that, Lou?

Lou: That when you look at Elias it's like starin in a mirror twenty years from now. And it scares you to death.

Jimmy turns around and looks at Lou openly, with regret and admission. Lou realizes what she said and is contrite.

Lou: I'm sorry. I had no right sayin that.

Jimmy: Yeah you did. I keep tellin myself that that ain't gonna be me. But all I see is myself headin down that same road.

Lou: It doesn't have to be that way.

Jimmy: I don't think it's gonna turn out any different. People got their minds made up about me.

Lou: Doesn't matter what others think. It matter what you think. (Pause) For what it's worth though, I...I think you're a much better man than you give yourself credit for.

Jimmy stares at Lou deeply, with doubt in his eyes. Lou smiles at him and shyly looks down.

Lou: Goodnight...

Lou reaches up to kiss Jimmy on the cheek. As she turns away, Jimmy pulls her back to him and kisses her fully on the mouth. But they are interrupted by Gilmore's untimely arrival!

Emma serving dinner to the boys in "Gunfighter"

Emma: Hope you boys are hungry!

Cody: I was born hungry Emma.

Teaspoon: That's the trouble with you. You got swinish habits. Suppose you don't know that gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins.

Cody: (unfazed) Yeah? What are the others?

Teaspoon: Well, let's see...there's uh... (smiles and chuckles to himself) Nevermind.

Cody: Well, don't matter. I'll get around to 'em sooner or later.

Emma: Leave the boy alone, he's my best customer!

Teaspoon and Jimmy in the sweat lodge in "Gunfighter"

Teaspoon breaks Jimmy and Kid apart from a fight

Teaspoon: You know the trouble with you boy, you're too hot for your own good. And I got just the thing to cool you down.

In the sweat lodge... Teaspoon pours water on his own head.

Teaspoon: Want some?

Jimmy: You mind tellin me what we're doin here?

Teaspoon: Sweatin.

Jimmy: I know that.

Teaspoon: Seems like you got yourself all tied up in knots over this Longley fellow.

Cut to Jimmy who unbuttons the top button of his shirt... hubba hubba!

Jimmy: I told you Teaspoon, he insulted my mamma!

Teaspoon: I know. Full of demons, ain't ya. Hurt and anger. You're gonna have to find another way to get 'em out. Hickok, if human beings were meant to fight everytime they took umbrage we'd all have leathery skin, lot longer teeth, maybe one or two horns up the top of our head. Son, you gotta learn control. See, a sweat like this can drive them demons away.

Jimmy looks helpless

Teaspoon: It may seem a puzzlement. Sometimes it takes a hot place to cool a man's fire.

Jimmy: (unbuttons more buttons!) A body can't breathe in here.

Teaspoon: No, but a soul sure can.

Jimmy: Why... why you always have to talk so crazy Teaspoon? I'm talkin about breathin! The air! And there ain't none in here!

Teaspoon: Relax boy. (Starts to slowly fan Jimmy with some feathers) You're breathin too hard. Now you gotta concentrate. Slow and easy, that's the key.


Teaspoon: I said concentrate!

Jimmy: I AM concentratin!

Teaspoon: Good. Try to relax.

Jimmy: (stands up, sounds panicked and confused) I am relaxed...

Teaspoon: Don't look like it.

Jimmy grabs a hold of a boot hanging nearby and passes out!

Teaspoon: Well, that's better.

Playing "Dirt Tennis" from "Star Light, Star Bright"

Teaspoon teaches Jimmy, Cody, Kid, Noah, and Lou how to play lawn tennis. Or in their case "dirt tennis." They're all wearing white uniforms, and Cody and Jimmy have their guns strapped on!

Kid serves, Jimmy swings and misses. The ball hits the line.

Jimmy: That is out. Uh, I mean...fault. Fault!

Kid: Jimmy that was a good serve, and you know it!

Jimmy: No it wasn't.

Kid: Teaspoon!

Teaspoon: (thinks for a moment) Good.

Jimmy: What Teaspoon?! That was out by a long, long way! Can't you see anything?

Teaspoon: I calls 'em as I sees 'em, son.

Jimmy: Teaspoon, put on your glasses. Look! It landed right here; not here, but right here. (Jimmy is demonstrating with the ball) Which makes it out!

Teaspoon: That is warning number one.

Jimmy: Now--

Teaspoon: That is warning number two. Read the rules, son. (Cody shakes his head)

Jimmy grabs the book and throws it down in frustration.

Jimmy: (to Kid) Come on.

Kid serves again. Jimmy pulls out his gun and shoots the ball!!!

Cody ducks and Noah cracks up! (don't we all! :)

Jimmy: (grin) Double...fault...

Teaspoon just looks helpless :)

Lou talking to Jimmy as he's chopping wood in "Color Blind"

Lou: Chopped yourself enough wood to last all winter.

Jimmy: You think so?

Lou: mmhmm. Maybe even through next winter. Gonna run out of trees pretty soon.

Jimmy: Something you wanted to talk about Lou?

Lou: Thought maybe you did. Sometimes it helps to talk.

Jimmy: Really ain't much to talk about.

Lou: Kid used to do a lot of this when he was frettin over me. Looks like it's contagious. (pause) I know you ain't over that church lady you was courtin' -- Alice. She was special. You probably won't ever forget her, but...but there'll be others.

Jimmy: Is that what you say about the Kid? There'll be others?

Lou: I try to.

Jimmy: Do you believe that?

Lou: (trying to be strong) Sometimes... Sometimes love doesn't always make sense.

Jimmy: Love don't never make sense, if you ask me.

Lou: Guess it wouldn't be love if it did...

They share an understanding smile...

Jimmy and Lou dining in Willow Springs in "Color Blind"

Jimmy is getting Lou drunk ;)

Lou: What is this stuff anyway?

Jimmy: Wine, they said.

Lou: (sounding tipsy) I like it.

Jimmy: I can see that. (they laugh)

Lou: Do you ever think about the future? Where you'll be...five years from now? Ten? Where we'll all be?

Jimmy: No. No I can't say I do.

Lou: You're a funny man...a sweet man...(romantic music begins to play) You've been a good friend to me Jimmy Hickok. You've made me feel like a new woman.

Lou kisses Jimmy on the cheek! They both look very embarrassed, Lou looks around the room nervously, and Jimmy stares down at the table.

Teaspoon buying new ponies in "Bad Blood"

Teaspoon: Six of them was lame.

The indian holds up two fingers.

Teaspoon: What? Two hundred? (laugh) Two hundred dollars?! (laugh) I wouldn't pay that much money for your horses, your women, your younguns, the game in your land, all the stars in the sky!

Buck: You don't really want me to tell him all that, do you Teaspoon?

Teaspoon: Tell him we'll settle for one-eighty.

The indian still holds up two fingers to him.

Teaspoon: Ok. (looks at Buck) God I hate this. (Emma laughs. Teaspoon starts counting out coins) One-hundred. Hundred and twenty, hundred and forty, hundred and sixty, hundred and eighty.

The indian shakes his hand for more

Teaspoon: Oh, sorry. Hundred and ninety.

The indian shakes his hand again.

Teaspoon: What? (shakes his hand) Two hundred?! (laugh) Come on. Come on, Buck! It's over. (turns around and looks at Emma; she looks at the indian--he won't give)

Teaspoon: Ok! Two hundred. (laugh) That's a fine bunch of horse play. You strike a hard bargain. (they shake hands)

Teaspoon turns around and looks at Kid and Jimmy who are grinning at him.

Teaspoon: What?

Jimmy: You drive a hard bargain too, Teaspoon.

Teaspoon: Ahh quit yer jawin!

Lou and the boys returning from the orphanage in "Bad Blood"

They draw up short of the house. Lou gazes at it and sighs.

Kid: What's wrong?

Lou: (trying to cover) Nuthin.

Jimmy is staring at Lou and she catches him.

Jimmy: A girl!

Lou: Something wrong with that?

Jimmy: Only thing wrong with it is I didn't see it sooner. I'm tellin you Lou, it's a relief cause the way you and the Kid been lookin at each other all this time... (Kid and Lou grin) Hell I even caught myself lookin at you like that a couple times...

Lou: Like what?

Jimmy: know...

Lou: No, Jimmy, I don't know.

Jimmy: All I'm gonna say is, you're the best lookin boy I ever seen (Buck laughs)

Lou: Why Jimmy! (laughs)

Cody: I wouldn't let that go to your head Lou, I've seen him lookin at his horse the same way.

Lou laughs...but poor Jimmy doesn't look too happy!

Lou: I'm sure gonna miss ridin with you all.

Jimmy: What are you talkin about?

Lou: When Teaspoon finds out I'm not what he thinks I am...

Cody: Who says you ain't?

Kid: You ride tall as any man I ever seen.

Jimmy: Any man says different 's gonna answer to me.

Buck: And me.

Ike: And me.

Lou: Then you won't tell?

Kid: Ain't nothin to tell.

Lou smiles...they ride off...

Cody and Jimmy talking to the barkeep in the saloon in "A Good Day to Die"

Cody: Now you're telling me this new Frenchie circus guy -- what's his name?

Barkeep: Leotard.

Cody: Right. Now, he gets way up high (uh huh) and swings from one bar to another. (uh huh) Hell that ain't nothin. Back in St. Jo I seen Jimmy do that all the time (laughs)

Jimmy: Yeah, drinkin sarsaparilla.

Barkeep: Like all good Pony Express boys.

Cody cracks up!

Kid taking Curly back to Sweetwater from "A Good Day to Die"

Curly: This is not right. Me on foot, you riding. You could have brought my horse. If you were my prisoner I would treat you with honor and respect.

Kid: If I were your prisoner I'd be a scalp on your belt.

Curly: A place of honor and respect.

Kid returns from being captured by the Shoshoni in "A Good Day to Die"

Lou is carring a sack across the porch of the bunkhouse when she sees Kid and Cody ride up.

Lou: Kid!! Lord am I happy to see you!

Kid: (dismounts) Me too...

Cody: (rolls his eyes) What about me? (Kid and Lou don't even hear him) I'll tell the others you're back -- scalp and all. (Kid and Lou smile at him)

Lou: You alright?

Kid nods. Lou slaps some dust off his arm.

Lou: You look terrible.

Kid: I'm fine, really.

Lou: I was kinda worried. Thought I'd never see you again...

Kid: Lou...

He's obviously going to kiss her...and as we are on the edge of our seats...
Suddenly we hear the boys coming out of the bunkhouse.

Jimmy: Kid!

Kid and Lou break the moment and look around embarrassed. Lucky for them Teaspoon didn't see ;)

Lou and Jimmy held prisoner at the old Scottsman place in "A Good Day to Die"

Lou: Jimmy, I almost got my hands free. See what you can do with the ropes.

Jimmy reaches and...

Lou: The ropes, Jimmy. The ropes...

Jimmy: Sorry Lou. When it comes to women, my hands just got a mind of their own...

Lou smiles and closes her eyes...

After she's free and is untying Jimmy's hands...

Jimmy: (grinning) Good goin, Lou. Shows you what teamwork'll do.

Lou grins and gives him a reproachful look.

Kid asking Jimmy for advice about Lou in "Requiem for a Hero"

Jimmy returns from a ride, exhausted. He lays down on his bunk and attempts to sleep...

Kid: Jimmy. (pause) Jimmy!

Jimmy: (not looking up) You got something to say Kid, or do you just like the sound of my name?

Kid: (approaches Jimmy) I was wonderin if I could ask you a question.

Jimmy: You just did.

Kid: It's got to do with Lou.

Jimmy: (sits up, interested) Oh, well. It's about time.

Kid: Huh?

Jimmy: We were wonderin when she'd finally start closin in on you. Some of us even made bets.

Kid: (doesn't look happy) Who won?

Jimmy: Uh... Lou. (I love that! :)

Kid: Glad I could provide you all with such amusement.

Jimmy: We ain't makin fun of you, Kid. Rootin for you.

Kid: Then how about giving me some advice.

Jimmy: Sure.

Kid: What do I do now?

Jimmy: I wouldn't worry too much about that, Kid. In my experience, events just kinda got a way of working themselves out.

Kid: Well I ain't you Jimmy.

Jimmy silently acknowledges this, and is very still. (I was impressed that he remained serious and didn't tease Kid about conceeding this. What a man!)

Kid: It was easier before, you know. The first time I asked Lou to dance, she kept backin off. But now...

Jimmy: Yeah?

Kid: What do I do now she stopped backin off?

Jimmy: Dance.

My note: I just love this scene! It is so sweet and funny, and shows a wonderful level of trust and respect between Jimmy and Kid. What a great show!

More to come soon!

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