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Sweet Pea's Page

Hello and Welcome to my Home page!

I'm still working on it and I hope that you will visit it again when it is complete~!

Have fun if you are young or old! If you have anything to say, good/bad/ideas about my homepage please feel free to email me!

If you want to chat, I'll be in on! I will either be copper, grandam, or sweetpea, so look me up.

Ok, Here is somethings about me that you might not know! Hi, my name is April! I'm a 23 year old female that graduated from college in 2001. I'm earned my Bachelor's Degree in Accounting at International Buisness College, which took me 2 and 1/2 years to earn.

Right now, I'm working as a bank teller at Midwest America Federal Credit Union. On the side, I'm trying to find time to learn how to play some pool.

I love music, chatting with my friends on the net(I will get to them later), love to get email *hint hint*, and watching little kids is a joy for me. I love to teach them how to play the piano at a young age! I have fun hanging out with friends, playing the piano, and singing. I also love to play cards and other games, either on or off line.

I collect keys chains, horses(pics, stautes, or keys chains), playing cards, stamps, and pencils.

Here is some things about my family. My dad has been a pastor most of my life. But recently he has switched job titles. He is the Regional Director for the Midwest Region Conference, of the Churches of God, General Conference. This job has many things that it intails. But mostly it's a job that is a pastor to pastors. He is on the road alot going between the different churches (about 60 in all). The Region consists of churches in the states of Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana.

My mom is a massage therapist. She spends a lot of her time working on those that have problems like back aches, head aches, tightened muscles, and other things like that. She loves to do her job. I'm glad that she does this. I have learned a lot from working there from time to time.

My sister, the baby of the family, is at the age of 20. She has spent most of her time in the summer on ACTS Teams or at our church camp. She is now a sophomore Indiana Weslyan University, in Marion, Indiana. She loves it there. Last year on her Spring Break at College, she went on a missions trip to South Dakota. She loved it. She got to help teach Kindergarten kids. She loves kids!!! This year on Spring Break she is leading a Missions Trip to Georgia to work at a kids home.

I have two grandparents, both on my dad's side. I have five cousins all are older execpt one. Two of my cousins have gotten married. One in August and one in October, both in 2000.

All of my family has a special place in my heart even if I don't show it all the time.

I love music and so to be involved at my church and their music program is wonderful. So far I have been in 3 of their musicals that they have put on. It's lots of fun! We have laughed together and cried together. It's like a big family.

Here are some of the friends that would love to chat with you in Easy Riding!

Poca, Mister X(my buddy!*KOTC*), Mynx, sysky, US Male, batman, D (F) *sis*, #1 Deno *daddy*, Chirp, annie!, :-) :-) :-)(aka Smiley!), Skylar, Design, Tana, M@gnet M@n, tower, it'sasecret, pitapat *mommy*, Cody Mark, Potatoes, cc, chatter, Lady Rider, LULU, Montana's Lady, Lefty, KT, Craft, and others that are just as sweet! If I forgot you I know that you will tell me!

Others that I chat with:

AOL: Poolscene21, bauerb1, fortuitous2002, crucified2christ, cycleguy1974, jjrsbiggfish

Yahoo: jesusrulesme, newwine99, jross183

ICQ: Dank, Chris, Sara's Man, Brian

My Friends on! How you make me laugh!

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Well, I hope that you will tell me suggestions and tell others about my hompage~! Thanks for visiting! *hugs*

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