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Girl Scout Sunday/Sabbath Resources

The Girl Scout Birthday is March 12, the date in 1912 that Juliette Low registered the first two Girl Scout troops in Savannah, Georgia. Girl Scout Sunday is the Sunday that begins the week in which March 12 falls. Girl Scout Sabbath is the day before Girl Scout Sunday. In the year 2000 Girl Scout Sunday is March 12, 2000 and Girl Scout Sabbath is the day before, March 11, 2000.

Girl and adult Girl Scout members often wear their uniforms to their own religious services that day. Sometimes, events are planned for an entire council, association, service unit or troop. If your troop meets at a house of worship, ask the pastor, priest or rabbi for permission to hold a Girl Scout Sunday/Sabbath service, either during a regular service or as a special service. Many places of worship will welcome a Girl Scout Sunday/Sabbath service, even if no troop meets there. Invite other troops in your area to participate.

Girls and adults can light candles, distribute bulletins and read scripture, a poem or a special reading. A leader or older girl may be willing to give a children's sermon or sing a special song. It is appropriate to present religious awards to girls who have earned them. Troops can set up displays in the church's social hall to show their activities and accomplishments and to answer questions. Each troop could provide some cookies or other goodies for a reception following the service. There could also be birthday cake for the Girl Scout Birthday. Girls and adult members should wear uniforms, or their Girl Scout pin and sash or vest.

Two patches are available for both Girl Scout Sunday and Girl Scout Sabbath and can be purchased from the Girl Scout catalog or your local Girl Scout Council shop. (Patches: GS Sunday: item #18652, $1.25; GS Sabbath: item #18653, $1.25) Contact your Girl Scout Council office to order bulletins and inserts.

Invocations and Benedictions
Invocation  from The Jewish Service of the Heart
Girl Scout Benediction

Responsive Readings
A Girl Scout Litany
The Girl Scout Law:   A Call to Worship
The Girl Scout Law:   Another Litany or Call to Worship
Speaking the Law:   A Litany for a joint Girl Scout/Boy Scout service

A Girl Scout's Prayer
A Prayer for Thinking Day
The Girl Scout Prayer
A Girl Guide Prayer

Poems and Readings
Blessed are the Girl Scouts
A Careful Soul
Beatitudes for Leaders

Sermons and Children's Sermons
Planting Seeds
The Girl Scout Law & the Bible Sermon

Girl Scout Vespers
A Girl Scout Hymn
They Will Know We are Girl Scouts by Our Love

Related links:
P.R.A.Y. Religious Awards Page
The National Jewish GS Committee
Catholic Awards Information
National Association of United Methodist Scouters Lots of resources!
The NetWoods Virtual Campsite Prayers and Graces