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WDS Pricelist

Summer 2004 Pricelist

Micro Minis
Solids - $18.00 Greys - $23.00 Pintos/Appaloosas - $28.00

Solids - $23.00
Greys - $28.00
Pintos/Appaloosas - $35.00

Little Bits
Solids - $30.00
Greys - $38.00
Pintos/Appaloosas - $45.00

Solids - $40.00
Greys - $50.00
Pintos/Appaloosas - $65.00

Solids - $50.00
Greys - $60.00
Pintos/Appaloosas - $75.00


This summer, I am doing my roans in a new way which I am quite pleased with. I start out by painting the model a regular solid color (black, chestnut, bay, etc.) with all the usual details, and then I add the roaning hair by hair with a well sharpened colored pencil. This technique is rather time consuming, but the results are stunning. New photos will be up soon, but for the time being, check out the other colors section of the gallery to see the red roan Hambletonian I did a few years ago.

If you would like to custom order a roan model, please E-mail me for a price quote. Include the scale of the model, the color desired (ex-blue roan), and the intensity of the roaning (light, medium, heavy). A photo of what you have in mind is always helpful. I will give you a quote based on the scale and color. Prices will run around the cost of a pinto or appaloosa painted model of the same scale. Pinto and appaloosa roans will be a bit more.


Since I have been able to go two years without a major wrist injury, I have started etching again. My etched models won several NAN qualifications and live show championships in 1999 and 2000. I stopped etching in 2001 since it was giving my previously damaged wrist problems. However, I've had no problems etching this year and I am open to taking custom orders. I will do all scales of models except Micro Minis. Etching is an incredibly time intensive process since each roan hair is scratched into the original finish paint, so I have to price this type of work differently. I am charging $12.00 an hour for etching services. When you contact me, I will give you an estimate as to how many hours I think the model will take. In the past, I have found that I can finish a Stablemate in the range of 2-3 hours and Traditionals usually take at least 15 hours.

I will keep track of the time spent on your model and will E-mail you with periodic updates. When you send the model to me, I will need a deposit of $12.00 for Stablemates, $24.00 for Little Bits, $36.00 for Classics, and $48.00 for Traditionals. This deposit will be subtracted from your final total. I will only take a limited number of custom etching orders at any given time because I want turnaround time to be as quick as possible. Completion times will vary from a few weeks to around six months depending on the scale of the model.

My work is Live Show Quality and has won championships at photo and live shows. I have had many NAN Qualifiers and some MEPSA qualifiers. I sand seams and remove mold logos on all models. I may consider limited remaking for an additional price, please inquire if interested. I am a full time student in addition to caring for and showing my Thoroughbred hunter and doing volunteer work at a therepeutic riding center so my completion times can be somewhat varied depending on how busy I am and how many other orders I have. With summer coming up, completion time should be between 1 and 4 months depending on the model and the color.

I will accept trades for my CM work. I am especially looking for Peter Stone Ponies, Unpainted Resins, certain bodies, and maybe some LSQ CMs or resins. Let me know what you have.