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I am 29 years old and I hail from the wonderful (yeah right) city of Tacoma, Washington. I have two children, named Hellfire and Damnation...(hey, when you have kids you name 'em what you want!!) No, really...I have a beautiful daughter named Kanisha and a charming son named Kevin. I used to be a photographer, but I told my boss to bite me, so now I am pounding the pavement. I am single, but I just got engaged back in September bells will ring sometime next fall! (**note from Trisha** wait...I typed that a year ago and it IS fall now...obviously someone's draggin' their ass here! *L*)

When I'm not working or playing chauffeur to my kids, I like spending time at the gym, going to the movies, dancing, crochet, faux gourmet cooking, and of course, chatting with all my friends!

It gives me great pleasure to say that I am one of Ingo's Angels....The Official Ingo Rademacher (Jax, General Hospital) Fan Club is one of the most dynamic organizations I've ever been involved in! What a dedicated bunch we are!
Join the Ingo Rademacher Online Fan Club!

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I got friends in low places....

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A few of my favorite Links.....

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Coolchat-- Cool chat can find me in the Hot Tub!!
Talk City--Even cooler chat...catch me if you can!
Komo tv-4 Seattle's home page --with a link to the Northwest Queen of Soaps, Cindi can also link to the homepage of your fave soap!
The Official Ingo Rademacher (Jax, General Hospital) web page. Be one of Ingo's Angels...Like me!
International Lyrics Server--Just in case you just HAVE to know the words to that song!
The Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page
Ummmm...attention ladies 18 and over...I give you Peter North's page...ahem...

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I would like to thank all of the people in the HTML Newsgroup for all of their help. (sorry, computer users, this is a webtv-only newsgroup.)

I would also like to send a Special thanks to J. Welch (He's da best, he's da bomb, my wildest fantasy come true, omigod! *L*) for all of his advice (not to mention patience, trying to teach me how to make tables), and finally, thank you, Draac, my one-stop "shopping" center!

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