Waiting For Bjork

Well, I wasn't waiting for Bjork, herself, but actually a Bjork song, at the end of the Spike Jonze(sp?) movie Being John Malkovich. The song, I didn't think was really going to be there. I thought it was a made up rumor about Bjork. Those are all over the place these days. LIke Bjork going to be on Mancow. But I went to see the movie, so I could hear a Bjork song. I ended up liking the movie, even though I feel sorry for thee puppeteer. It's a rather sad story, but immensely funny and thought-provoking.

But I am not a movie reviewer or a critic, so go see it perhaps for the Bjork song, or perhaps for the movie, or perhaps because John Malkovich is actually in the movie playing himself...

And other Bjork stuff is coming out in 2000, you know, so there's still yet more waiting to do... but the song "amphibian" sound well and quiet and lovely. Check it out if you long for something new, even if it costs $8.50 to hear one Bjork song... that you can't even take home... okay, hopefully there will be a soundtrack.

I hope

all is full of tanks, The Traveller