If Bjork does not want this little island, I will gladly take it. It seems to be forbidden fruit just to have your own little place nowadays. I can just imagine it now, the whole Gilligan's Isle, but with Bjork... Thus it's Bjork's Isle. There would be a theme song and everything, but Bjork herself wouldn't be on the island. It'd be more like a little store/island, full of Bjork stuff.

I say, if someone were going to give me an island, even if it were haunted, I would at least go there with some friends for a little while to make "them" happy.

And if Bjork showed up, that would be cool, too.

Cause every island needs some music. So consider the Island in question to belong to Miriad. And if Bjork wants to come over, she's invited, certainly. We are all packing our things and going there, like, as soon as possible.
