The Traveller/Bjork Connection

The Traveller/Björk Connection

I found ways in which the Traveller(me) is somehow coincidentally
"related" to Bjork-like things, or to Bjork herself . This means
absolutely nothing more than sheer coincidences, and don't mean
a damn thing other than just to make you go "Interesting, and you
have too much time on your hands, Traveller." To those people I
may One Day say... "Well, I told you so!"

I think the real reason for this is because I was reading the
"post" book one day, and a co-worker at work came up to me and
asked me if that was my sister. I looked up at the poor fool
and said, "Yup. That's my sister and I'm really proud of her."
And the poor fool beleived me. Later on ,though I told him it
wasn't true, but maybe wishes can come true.

The Traveller is connected to Björk in the following ways :

  • Volcano Imagery
  • The song Joga
  • Homogenic Lyrics
  • Hunter
  • All Neon Like
  • Researching Further Topics...

    Volcano Imagery
    The Traveller and Björk are connected through
    the use of volcano imagery both in lyrics and
    also the symbolism of the traveller himself .

    The Traveller's symbol is the Exclamation
    (!) , but the other symbol which represents
    The Traveller is the 56th hexagram of the
    I-Ching. The way that this hexagram is placed,
    Fire over Mountain, seems to suggest a volcano.

    This is odd when you consider that there are
    not only plenty of volcanoes in Björk's
    homeland of Iceland , but they also play a major
    role in a great deal of her songs, such as
    "One Day" and "Possibly Maybe".

    But the coincidences do not stop there
    on the tape X-Plane Nation , which The
    Traveller made (and, Incidentally gave
    to Bjork), there is a song called Molten
    Lava Flow. The Traveller didn't think of
    this until most recently, when he noticed
    the volcano imagery popping up everywhere
    in his life... Top


    I find this song to be completely accurate
    in describing a friend and me (you know who
    you are if you ever read this) and our re-
    lationship. Or at least how I saw it.

    Bjork says in the song: "coincidence makes
    sense, only with you." I would constantly
    run into this person, no matter what hallway
    at school I took. And there in me when I saw
    them was this "state of emergency", I think
    that bjork is trying to describe.

    If Bjork has a similar relationship with
    someone named Joga, then I feel very happy
    for her. It's special. I wish I still had
    conatct with this person, but I guess I don't
    have to speak.

    Homogenic Lyrics

    I actually have been on a mountain-top with a
    radio and good batteries. It's almost been 5
    years since I broke up with someone who I could
    possibly aim that song at. And in the first line
    of Hunter, the first line of the album, Bjork
    mentions "travel". These are nice coincidences,
    don't you think? I should read the other lyrics
    on Debut and Post and comment on them, too.


    I pass a Hunter Street every time I leave Calhoun
    Community College. It just says "HUNTER" in big
    letters. I just think it's wierd that it's something
    that I saw everyday for a while and never noticed it
    until recently

    Another coincidence I noticed about this is the night
    sky. The only constellation i can ever find and that I
    look at in the sky is Orion... The Hunter.

    All Neon Like

    The song All Neon Like has a few lines in it which connect to
    a story. The story is a bit complicated, but it involves the
    ancient Mayan Pacal Votan and his love in Heaven, Bolon Ik.
    There is a little "board game" called the Telektonon which
    replicates their journey to each other. They are represented
    on the board by two turtles. The line "nourish, nourish, your
    turtleheart", to me connects to that.
