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This is a partial list of my birds

Thank you for visiting my web page, it is dedicated to my hobby (some call it an obsession!)which is collecting and restoring pontiac firebirds, formulas, and trans ams. I will detail the restoration of each of my "birds" with articles and photographs. In addition, I will try to pass on restoration tips that I have picked up along the way. Before you get the wrong impression, I do not consider myself an "expert". Many wonderful people have helped me along my journey and have kept me from making really expensive (and painful) mistakes, I simply hope to do the same for others. I also hope that this page will serve as inspiration for someone starting on their first restoration/project car. I am not "Mr. Money bags", I am a regular working guy like most of you. I do not have unlimited budgets or heavy-duty sponsors, I have learned to do many of the restoration/repair steps by necessity! I do not claim to have all the answers, and I realize that many others will have other (read: better)ways to do certain things. I dont claim that my way is better, but it has worked for me in the past. If I dont have the answer to a question, I will try to find out. Like I mentioned before, I have met many people along the way that are waaaaay more knowledgeable than me, and I will be glad to contact them and get the answer or put you in touch with them directly. Again, thank you for visiting my page and feel free to provide comments/feedback and please sign my guestbook below.

01/08/99 - I have added many pictures of the 69, 76, and 70. Coming soon will be complete stories on the 70, 76, 79, as well as the story and pictures for the 80. Thanks for stopping by.. stay tuned!

This is an example of the type of cars I will be including in this site, my 1979 Bandit 400/4spd:

79 Bandit Trans Am Restoration

69 Firebird Restoration

70 Formula project

76 Formula project

Tech & Restoration Articles

Click here to see my "other" car


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transam firebird formula pontiac bird espirit poncho ta bandit zy9p

I am trying out this "mind it" utility, give me some feed back as to how its working so that I can decide whether or not its worth keeping. thanks

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MY OTHER HOME PAGE ON GEOCITIES (not active at this time)
LINKS PAGE - - (Other Pontiac/automotive sites)
