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That was pretty neat 0:-)
There isn't that much to say about it. "That's Mr. Sanderson from the bank!" had me rolling though 0:-) That's what happens when you try to patrol with the Slayer.

What impressed me the most was that we finally saw Willow's MOTHER!!! Yes - Sheila Rosenberg finally showed up! We found out all this stuff about her and that its true - she never sees her daughter 0:-) How funny was it when she said "Willow - your hair!" Meanwhile - we've been saying the saying the same thing for months *lol*

Its scary that she kinda looked like Willow though 0:-) I was really impressed by the way she carries herself - I finally see where Willow gets her smarts. I wonder where Ira was this eppie? It would have really given me a happy if we'd seen the happy couple.

And we saw AMY again!!! Her hair looks so cool and I really dug the way she turned into rat girl - although she left her buddies to burn (which wasn't very nice). I liked her using the same spell as last time though "Goddess Hecate, work thy will!" Although I kinda wish she would get a new spell...they never work very well. Being rat girl forever is going to really suck. Mother's in a trophy and the girl's a rat - I wonder what happened to the men in the family - I mean sure they SAID he ran off with a younger chick but you never know...

And where did this new guy Mike show up from? I haven't seen him before - at least I don't think so. Does anyone else?

And MOO - *LOL* that was really funny "how many of us have had close ones die from sudden neck ruptures?" Mothers Opposed To The Occult - what a silly achronym! Although now Joyce has new friends - which is always good - in a sick "lets kill our children" sort of way...BTW - how could there only be three witches in Sunnydale? I mean - come on they have every other type of scary bad thing floating around - although i guess a lot of people might just know spells on the side - like Giles.

And speaking of people who know more than they should - you know the mayor was sweating bullets - it was hilarious when he was talking about "Never Again!" because we all know he was the Mayor is the biggest trafficker of bad things anywhere and there he was just being Mr. Hypocrite - he's taking this whole being a politician so seriously 0:-) OT but I wonder what Mr. Trick is up to these days? I miss him - in a blood sucking kind of way.

What was with the Angel spot though? If he's there he should be doing something cool - I was expecting him to show up and save Buffy. Cordy was being semi-cool though and she had a couple of funny lines - it was hilarious when she was dying over her imported hair spray.

Buffy's birthday is coming around too - she'll be 18 now 0:-) Maybe she'll finally get that license thing too (although I don't have one *hehe*)

What else? Poor Giles' books! I hope they didn't burn The Codex cause I think that's a one of a kind.

Hansel & Gretel were cute and that huge troll they morphed into was almost scary - I'm glad to see their special effects skills have been upped 0:-) Joyce was being really dumb though - how could she not freak to the whole thought of these dead children walking around demanding that she kill her only daughter? As a psychology minor I feel obligated to point out the repressed emotions there.

Posting is fun!

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