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Band Candy

Ok - so how many times have I said it huh? How many times have I proclaimed Gile's studliness to a web of unbelievers? How many times have I demanded a topless picture of Giles and been laughed at?

Today was MY DAY!!! He may not have been topless but we did get to see him in a t-shirt 0:-) It was one of those white ones that he probably wears as undershirts (has anyone else wondered how he stands to wear so many articles of clothing?) But anyway - this wonderfully arm baring t-shirt had about three strategically placed holes in it and everything! *lol* It was too perfect!

Giles is such a stud! Was anyone else as awed as I was when he broke that window to steal Joyce a rather feathery coat? I mean it was wrong but it was cool!

Joyce was such a lucky chick - I know I would have no problem inducing mind altering drugs if they guaranteed Giles smoochies 0;-) They were making out every three seconds - proving that rant I had ages ago about how Giles and Joyce should be together - if for nothing other that to make me happy. There is so much repressed tension there 0:-) Jenny - poor dead one - had nothing on these two!

I'll admit that I've been yammering about Spike for a while now and have dedicated a page to him and his pet and have even become a Spike Girl but I now realise it was all a sad attempt to forget the wonderful Giles. I was blinded by the accent 0:-(

But after Band Candy I am once again a GASPer for life 0:-)

Enough Giles spillage though - lets get to the heart of the show.

It, as usual, sucked. We open with a wounded Angel practicing Tai Chi. Buffy walks in and he tries so hard to be with her but she keeps pushing him away and even pretends to still be dating Scott. Blah to that scumbag! Normality is wrong 0:-)

Then we skip to the school where Snyder is making everyone sell candy cause like Oz said - "those fuzzy tall hats aint cheap" hehe - it was cool and would have been my favorite line if the camera had not cut to him five seconds before he said it. We knew he was going to say something witty. I like surprise. But I won't get too technical.

Buffy sells all this candy to Giles and Joyce and even manages to hit Giles in the head with a ball while blindfolded (long story). So you figure - ok nothing big...sanity prevails...
Then BOOM the grown ups are kids, Ethan is back (yay to recurring bad guys although someone should tell this guy to get a real job - we have employment agencies in America, he should drop by), Mr. Trick is producing retarded candy bars and life is Sunnydalian.

Nice concept, kind of flowed, made me smile until I realised why everyone was wiggin and stuff.


Hello? Anyone hear of adoption agencies, kidnappings, even heaven forbid growing your own? I mean I - Ms. Total Quiet Shy Chick could kidnap four or five babies if I wanted too - its really not that hard. Mom turns away to get something from the high shelf and Boom! Baby #1. Dad places the baby down to sleep, you reach through the window, Bam! Number 2 ready. Big sister places him in the child seat in the back, pick them up and split. Parks are supermarkets.

Lets face it - vamps are just not very bright. Why go through all the hassle of teenaged adults - not to mention the expense (Ethan doesn't work for free) when u can just pick some up and have no one notice? I mean - what would most alarm and get the Slayer? "Oh my God, four babies have been kidnapped within the last two weeks." or "Mom and Giles are making out again."

Because you know those retarded vamps planned this thing out - they were late with their offering as it was and they wanted this to go off without a hitch. I blame the Mayor. He's a moron and Mr. Trick should kill him. The guy is so annoying and unbright - although he was more serious and he even threatened the Trickster, he does not get any respect from me. 0;-) Blah to handi wipe man. and now that I think about it - if he's so neurotic and weird about germies, why was he traipsing through the sewers - peakdom of grossness? Although his call to the city inspector to complain about sewer land was pretty priceless.

BTW - Where did Faith go? I hope they didn't just drop her off the show like they did Seven back in Married With Children, I am still suffering trauma from that experience.

Then in class and library land, Willow and Xander are playing footsie and being retarded. You love each other - or at least like each other - good. Very nice. Approval land over here - although I guess Oz is going to have to die and Cordelia's splitting anyway. Unless Oz and Buffy hook up - which would be most funny 0:-) The point is - if you like each other date, make out, find a closet, something! Don't play footsie in science lab 0:-P

Welp as always - Post Away!!!

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