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182 Files Found

The Work of God

1.  527AUG.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Philosophy of St. Augustine

This zipped file contains Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine.' See the following 4 files to download individually. MOST AUGUSTINE PHILOSOPHY CONFESSIONS CITY OF GOD [THEOLOGY, Type=3 Code=EE]

2.  527AUG1.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Commentary on St. Augustine

Part one of Fr. Most's commentary on the works of St. Augustine begins with 'Confessions'. This file is part of Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine. Download for all of the course files. MOST AUGUSTINE CONFESSIONS PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

3.  527AUG1.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Commentary on St. Augustine

Part one of Fr. Most's commentary on the works of St. Augustine begins with 'Confessions'. This file is part of Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine. Download for all of the course files. MOST AUGUSTINE CONFESSIONS PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

4.  527AUG2.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Commentary on St. Augustine

Part two of Fr. Most's commentary on the the works of St. Augustine continues with 'City of God'. This file is part of Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine. Download for all of the course files. MOST AUGUSTINE CITY OF GOD PREDESTINATION MASSA DAMNATA AQUINAS PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

5.  527AUG2.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Commentary on St. Augustine

Part two of Fr. Most's commentary on the the works of St. Augustine continues with 'City of God'. This file is part of Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine. Download for all of the course files. MOST AUGUSTINE CITY OF GOD PREDESTINATION MASSA DAMNATA AQUINAS PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

6.  527AUGQA.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Study Questions and Answers

The questions and answers for Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine. Download for all of the course files. MOST AUGUSTINE CONFESSIONS CITY OF GOD PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

7.  527AUGQA.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Study Questions and Answers

The questions and answers for Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine. Download for all of the course files. MOST AUGUSTINE CONFESSIONS CITY OF GOD PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

8.  ABBREV.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Abbreviations

A short list of standard abbreviations for some theological sources, compiled by Fr. Most. Some of the abbreviations are standard, while some are useful only for Fr. Most's own files. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

9.  ABBREV.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Abbreviations

A short list of standard abbreviations for some theological sources, compiled by Fr. Most. Some of the abbreviations are standard, while some are useful only for Fr. Most's own files. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

10.  AUGUSTIN.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Augustine on Grace and Predestination

St. Augustine's doctrine and grace, free will, predestination, and the fate of unbaptized infants summarized. Numerous quotes and other citations. REPROBATION [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

11.  AUGUSTIN.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Augustine on Grace and Predestination

St. Augustine's doctrine and grace, free will, predestination, and the fate of unbaptized infants summarized. Numerous quotes and other citations. REPROBATION [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

12.  AUTHWOM.TXT -- 12/4/96 -- VIEW

Monica Migliorino Miller, The Authority of Women

A fresh look at the Fathers and the seeds of a positive understanding of woman that the Patristic tests provide. This article was taken from the July/August 1996 issue of "This Rock" magazine. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

13.  AUTHWOM.ZIP -- 12/4/96 -- VIEW

Monica Migliorino Miller, The Authority of Women

A fresh look at the Fathers and the seeds of a positive understanding of woman that the Patristic tests provide. This article was taken from the July/August 1996 issue of "This Rock" magazine. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

14.  CAUSEFRS.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Problems of the First Cause


15.  CAUSEFRS.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Problems of the First Cause


16.  CHRI602.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Theo 602: Outline of Christology

Messiah in the eternal plan of God. Preexistence of the Messiah in Jewish thought. Messiah in the prophets. The convenants. Reliability of the Gospels. The Infancy Narratives. Hidden life. Teaching and claims of Jesus. Miracles, the Redemption, Mary as Cooperatrix and Mediatrix, the Resurrection, Christological controversies in the early Church, the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. TARGUM GOSPEL BULTMAN BROWN DOCETISM ARIANISM APOLLINARISM NESTORIA [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

17.  CHRI602.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Theo 602: Outline of Christology

Messiah in the eternal plan of God. Preexistence of the Messiah in Jewish thought. Messiah in the prophets. The convenants. Reliability of the Gospels. The Infancy Narratives. Hidden life. Teaching and claims of Jesus. Miracles, the Redemption, Mary as Cooperatrix and Mediatrix, the Resurrection, Christological controversies in the early Church, the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. TARGUM GOSPEL BULTMAN BROWN DOCETISM ARIANISM APOLLINARISM NESTORIA [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

18.  CHRIMALE.TXT -- 5/7/96 -- VIEW

Raymond T. Gawronski, Why Was Christ A Male & Why Did He Ordain Only Men?

This excellent article appeared in the January-February 1996 issue of the "New Oxford Review." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

19.  CHRIMALE.ZIP -- 5/7/96 -- VIEW

Raymond T. Gawronski, Why Was Christ A Male & Why Did He Ordain Only Men?

This excellent article appeared in the January-February 1996 issue of the "New Oxford Review." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

20.  CHRIST.TXT -- 2/11/97 -- VIEW

Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., Christ the Savior

A Commentary on the Third Part of St. Thomas' Theological Summa. Zipped file contains both an ascii version and a rich text format version. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

21.  CHRIST.ZIP -- 2/11/97 -- VIEW

Rev. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., Christ the Savior

A Commentary on the Third Part of St. Thomas' Theological Summa. Zipped file contains both an ascii version and a rich text format version. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

22.  CHWOMYOU.TXT -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, The Church, Woman and Youth

In 1931, Edith Stein gave a lecture at Augsburg of which the theme was "The Church, Woman, and Youth." The existing pages are, as we are to understand from the title, the manuscript of this lecture. More approximate historical data is missing. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

23.  CHWOMYOU.ZIP -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, The Church, Woman and Youth

In 1931, Edith Stein gave a lecture at Augsburg of which the theme was "The Church, Woman, and Youth." The existing pages are, as we are to understand from the title, the manuscript of this lecture. More approximate historical data is missing. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

24.  CHWORDIN.TXT -- 10/28/96 -- VIEW

Cardinal Charles Journet, The Church of the Word Incarnate

This work by Swiss theologian, Charles Journet, about the Mystical Body is essential reading for those who wish to understand the mind of the last General Council. The key to his thought is the distinction he makes between Christ's action in our favor "from a distance" and His action "by immediate contact." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

25.  CHWORDIN.ZIP -- 10/28/96 -- VIEW

Cardinal Charles Journet, The Church of the Word Incarnate

This work by Swiss theologian, Charles Journet, about the Mystical Body is essential reading for those who wish to understand the mind of the last General Council. The key to his thought is the distinction he makes between Christ's action in our favor "from a distance" and His action "by immediate contact." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

26.  COMPGODS.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Roland Hill, In Companionship with the Gods

Formed during an era of spiritual liberation. Josef Pieper offers today's readers the prospect of liberation through a true appreciation for the role of leisure. This article appeared in the January 1994 issue of 'The Catholic World Report,' P.O. Box 6718, Syracuse, NY 13217-7912, 800-825-0061. ROLAND PIEPER LEISURE CULTURE PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

27.  COMPGODS.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Roland Hill, In Companionship with the Gods

Formed during an era of spiritual liberation. Josef Pieper offers today's readers the prospect of liberation through a true appreciation for the role of leisure. This article appeared in the January 1994 issue of 'The Catholic World Report,' P.O. Box 6718, Syracuse, NY 13217-7912, 800-825-0061. ROLAND PIEPER LEISURE CULTURE PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

28.  CONFSDCD.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Excerpts from St. Augustine

Excerpts from St. Augustine's Confessions and City of God. This file is part of Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine. Download for all of the course files. MOST AUGUSTINE CONFESSIONS CITY OF GOD PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

29.  CONFSDCD.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Excerpts from St. Augustine

Excerpts from St. Augustine's Confessions and City of God. This file is part of Fr. Most's course, Philosophy 527: The Philosophy of St. Augustine. Download for all of the course files. MOST AUGUSTINE CONFESSIONS CITY OF GOD PHILOSOPHY [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

30.  COOPRTN.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

NA, Morality of Cooperation in Evil

Explains when cooperation in the sin of another can be justified, using (and explaining) the traditional and useful scholastic terminology and giving several key examples. COOPERATION SCANDAL DOUBLE EFFECT ABORTION VOTING LAW JUDGES DIVORCE CONTRACEPTION [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

31.  COOPRTN.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

NA, Morality of Cooperation in Evil

Explains when cooperation in the sin of another can be justified, using (and explaining) the traditional and useful scholastic terminology and giving several key examples. COOPERATION SCANDAL DOUBLE EFFECT ABORTION VOTING LAW JUDGES DIVORCE CONTRACEPTION [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

32.  DAWSICP.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Christopher Dawson, On Spiritual Intuition In Christian Philosophy

This article by Christopher Dawson was taken from the Winter 1994 issue of 'The Dawson Newsletter' P.O. Box 332, Fayetteville, AR 72702, John J. Mulloy, Editor. DAWSON PHILOSOPHY INTUITION [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

33.  DAWSICP.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Christopher Dawson, On Spiritual Intuition In Christian Philosophy

This article by Christopher Dawson was taken from the Winter 1994 issue of 'The Dawson Newsletter' P.O. Box 332, Fayetteville, AR 72702, John J. Mulloy, Editor. DAWSON PHILOSOPHY INTUITION [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

34.  DEPSOULS.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Alexis Henry Cardinal Lepicier, Knowledge of the Departed Human Soul

Chapter II of Part II of 'The Unseen World: An Exposition of Catholic Theology In Reference To Modern Spiritism'. Published by Benziger Brothers 1929 by His Eminence Alexis Henry M. Cardinal Lepicier, O.S.M. Cardinal Lepicier answers some interesting questions about the state of departed souls according to the light of natural reason. LEPICIER SOUL DEAD DEPARTED SPIRITISM [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

35.  DEPSOULS.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Alexis Henry Cardinal Lepicier, Knowledge of the Departed Human Soul

Chapter II of Part II of 'The Unseen World: An Exposition of Catholic Theology In Reference To Modern Spiritism'. Published by Benziger Brothers 1929 by His Eminence Alexis Henry M. Cardinal Lepicier, O.S.M. Cardinal Lepicier answers some interesting questions about the state of departed souls according to the light of natural reason. LEPICIER SOUL DEAD DEPARTED SPIRITISM [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

36.  DOCTORS.TXT -- 12/5/97 -- VIEW

NA, Doctors of the Church

A list of the Holy Doctors. A Doctor of the Church is a title given by the popes to acknowledge certain saints whose outstanding writing and preaching has been of great value to the Church, even if their writings are not free from all error. Four western Fathers of the Church were originally identified as great Doctors of Church teaching: St. Gregory the Great (+604), St. Ambrose (+397), St. Augustine (+430) and St. Jerome (+420). To this list have since been added saintly men and women of many eras of Church history. [THEOLOGY, Type=3 Code=EE]

37.  ETHOS.TXT -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, The Ethos of Women's Professions

The essay consists of the text of the lecture given at the convention of the Association of Catholic Academics in Salzburg, August 1930. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

38.  ETHOS.ZIP -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, The Ethos of Women's Professions

The essay consists of the text of the lecture given at the convention of the Association of Catholic Academics in Salzburg, August 1930. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

39.  EX&THEO.TXT -- 11/13/96 -- VIEW

Angelo Scola, Christian Experience and Theology

This essay on the relationship between Christian experience and theology shows how the key element in that relationship is that man is the receiver, not the producer of truth. Taken from the Summer 1996 issue of "Communio." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

40.  EX&THEO.ZIP -- 11/13/96 -- VIEW

Angelo Scola, Christian Experience and Theology

This essay on the relationship between Christian experience and theology shows how the key element in that relationship is that man is the receiver, not the producer of truth. Taken from the Summer 1996 issue of "Communio." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

41.  FR89101.TXT -- 6/20/96 -- VIEW

Stanley L. Jaki, Meditation on Newman's Grammar of Assent

Newman's Grammar of Assent deserves to be a subject not only of study but also of meditation. It is a work with a central topic, the unqualified and irrevocable assent to be given to authoritative propositions regarding faith and morals, that has for its clue Newman's resolve to respond in full to a Most Holy God's call to man. This article was taken from the Spring 1989 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

42.  FR89101.ZIP -- 6/20/96 -- VIEW

Stanley L. Jaki, Meditation on Newman's Grammar of Assent

Newman's Grammar of Assent deserves to be a subject not only of study but also of meditation. It is a work with a central topic, the unqualified and irrevocable assent to be given to authoritative propositions regarding faith and morals, that has for its clue Newman's resolve to respond in full to a Most Holy God's call to man. This article was taken from the Spring 1989 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

43.  FR89202.TXT -- 6/20/96 -- VIEW

Arthur A. Halbach, Two Ways to Knowledge

In this brillant essay, the author shows how a proper understanding of the definition of meaning has consequences on catechetics, liturgy, academic freedom, and the dissident magisterium. This article was taken from the Summer 1989 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

44.  FR89202.ZIP -- 6/20/96 -- VIEW

Arthur A. Halbach, Two Ways to Knowledge

In this brillant essay, the author shows how a proper understanding of the definition of meaning has consequences on catechetics, liturgy, academic freedom, and the dissident magisterium. This article was taken from the Summer 1989 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

45.  FR90104.TXT -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

James V. Schall, S.J., What is Medieval Political Philosophy?

In this essay Fr. Schall examines the political philosophy of the Middle Ages in contrast to modern political theory. This article appeared in the Spring 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

46.  FR90104.ZIP -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

James V. Schall, S.J., What is Medieval Political Philosophy?

In this essay Fr. Schall examines the political philosophy of the Middle Ages in contrast to modern political theory. This article appeared in the Spring 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

47.  FR90105.TXT -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

Stanley L. Jaki, Socrates or The Baby and the Bathwater

Three widely differing modern interpretations of Socrates are analyzed together with a failure common to all three. Had the Marxist F. Stone, the rationalist K. R. Popper, and the Catholic R. Guardini paid attention to the true nature of Socrates' argumentation in Phaedo, they would have noticed his historic mistake. It was to throw out the baby (science) with the bathwater (mechanistic philosophy). The mistake became corrected in a culture steeped in the cult of the Babe born in Bethlehem. This article was taken from the Spring 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

48.  FR90105.ZIP -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

Stanley L. Jaki, Socrates or The Baby and the Bathwater

Three widely differing modern interpretations of Socrates are analyzed together with a failure common to all three. Had the Marxist F. Stone, the rationalist K. R. Popper, and the Catholic R. Guardini paid attention to the true nature of Socrates' argumentation in Phaedo, they would have noticed his historic mistake. It was to throw out the baby (science) with the bathwater (mechanistic philosophy). The mistake became corrected in a culture steeped in the cult of the Babe born in Bethlehem. This article was taken from the Spring 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

49.  FR90301.TXT -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

F.F. Centore, On Talking Positive But Being Negative

In this fine essay, Professor Centore exposes the hypocrisy behind so much of contemporary liberal jargon by revealing its subtle denial of objective value. This article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

50.  FR90301.ZIP -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

F.F. Centore, On Talking Positive But Being Negative

In this fine essay, Professor Centore exposes the hypocrisy behind so much of contemporary liberal jargon by revealing its subtle denial of objective value. This article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]


51.  FR90303.TXT -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

George A. Kendall, Existence and Revelation in the Theology of Paul Tillich

In this article, George Kendall offers an insightful critique of the thought of Paul Tillich. He reveals how Tillich's erroneous ontological view ends up distorting the Christian vision of revelation. This article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

52.  FR90303.ZIP -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

George A. Kendall, Existence and Revelation in the Theology of Paul Tillich

In this article, George Kendall offers an insightful critique of the thought of Paul Tillich. He reveals how Tillich's erroneous ontological view ends up distorting the Christian vision of revelation. This article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

53.  FR90404.TXT -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

William A. Frank, Authority as Nurse of Freedom and the Common Good

In this age which continues to degrade and emasculate authority, Dr. Frank examines the intricate bonds which must exist between authority and the common good. This article was taken from the Winter 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

54.  FR90404.ZIP -- 7/18/96 -- VIEW

William A. Frank, Authority as Nurse of Freedom and the Common Good

In this age which continues to degrade and emasculate authority, Dr. Frank examines the intricate bonds which must exist between authority and the common good. This article was taken from the Winter 1990 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

55.  FR91102.TXT -- 8/13/96 -- VIEW

Peter Kreeft, 'Darkness at Noon': The Eclipse of 'The Permanent Things'

In this his first contribution to Faith & Reason, Peter Kreeft gives an insightful analysis and critique of modernity. The essay was given as an address at Christendom College's Summer Institute on Apologetics in July of 1990. This article was taken from the Spring 1991 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

56.  FR91102.ZIP -- 8/13/96 -- VIEW

Peter Kreeft, 'Darkness at Noon': The Eclipse of 'The Permanent Things'

In this his first contribution to Faith & Reason, Peter Kreeft gives an insightful analysis and critique of modernity. The essay was given as an address at Christendom College's Summer Institute on Apologetics in July of 1990. This article was taken from the Spring 1991 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

57.  FR91201.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Donald DeMarco, The Christian Personalism of Jacques Maritain

Dr. DeMarco illustrates in this essay how Maritain's Catholic Faith led him to develop a philosophic personalism based upon the teachings of St. Thomas. This key element in his thought may serve as a counter current to the contemporary world's exaltation of selfishness. This article was taken from the Summer 1991 issue of 'Faith & Reason'. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

58.  FR91201.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Donald DeMarco, The Christian Personalism of Jacques Maritain

Dr. DeMarco illustrates in this essay how Maritain's Catholic Faith led him to develop a philosophic personalism based upon the teachings of St. Thomas. This key element in his thought may serve as a counter current to the contemporary world's exaltation of selfishness. This article was taken from the Summer 1991 issue of 'Faith & Reason'. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

59.  FR91302.TXT -- 8/13/96 -- VIEW

Mark Lowery, Retrieving Rahner for Orthodox Catholicism

In this his first essay for Faith & Reason, Dr. Mark Lowery offers a critique of the thought of Karl Rahner from an orthodox Catholic perspective focusing upon the late Jesuit's treatment of doctrine. This article was taken from the Fall 1991 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

60.  FR91302.ZIP -- 8/13/96 -- VIEW

Mark Lowery, Retrieving Rahner for Orthodox Catholicism

In this his first essay for Faith & Reason, Dr. Mark Lowery offers a critique of the thought of Karl Rahner from an orthodox Catholic perspective focusing upon the late Jesuit's treatment of doctrine. This article was taken from the Fall 1991 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

61.  FR92100.TXT -- 8/27/96 -- VIEW

Timothy T. O'Donnell, S.T.D., The Crisis of Faith and the Theology of Mission: A Reflection on Redemptoris Missio

An examination of Pope John Paul II's encyclical which is of particular importance because it deals with a number of theological errors and distortions which have weakened the once vibrant missionary outreach of the Catholic Church. This article was taken from the Spring 1992 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

62.  FR92100.ZIP -- 8/27/96 -- VIEW

Timothy T. O'Donnell, S.T.D., The Crisis of Faith and the Theology of Mission: A Reflection on Redemptoris Missio

An examination of Pope John Paul II's encyclical which is of particular importance because it deals with a number of theological errors and distortions which have weakened the once vibrant missionary outreach of the Catholic Church. This article was taken from the Spring 1992 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

63.  FR92103.TXT -- 8/27/96 -- VIEW

Frederick A. Homann, S.J., Faith and Reason in Roger Boscovich's Philosophy of Science

Roger Boscovich was a powerful thinker and a truly renaissance man; the product of an outstanding 18th century Jesuit education. Fr. Homann's fine essay brings to light the life and achievement of this great man's scientific thought. This article was taken from the Spring 1992 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

64.  FR92103.ZIP -- 8/27/96 -- VIEW

Frederick A. Homann, S.J., Faith and Reason in Roger Boscovich's Philosophy of Science

Roger Boscovich was a powerful thinker and a truly renaissance man; the product of an outstanding 18th century Jesuit education. Fr. Homann's fine essay brings to light the life and achievement of this great man's scientific thought. This article was taken from the Spring 1992 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

65.  FR92202.TXT -- 8/27/96 -- VIEW

William E. May, The Teaching of Theologians from St. Thomas Aquinas until Vatican Council II on the Existence of Moral Absolutes

The purpose of this inquiry is to examine the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas and a select group of exceptionally important theologians _ Duns Scotus, Suarez, Alphonsus Liguori _ and representatives of the "Dominican," "Jesuit," and "Redemptorist" manualist traditions from the time of St. Thomas until Vatican Council II on the existence of moral absolutes. This article was taken from the Summer 1992 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

66.  FR92202.ZIP -- 8/27/96 -- VIEW

William E. May, The Teaching of Theologians from St. Thomas Aquinas until Vatican Council II on the Existence of Moral Absolutes

The purpose of this inquiry is to examine the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas and a select group of exceptionally important theologians _ Duns Scotus, Suarez, Alphonsus Liguori _ and representatives of the "Dominican," "Jesuit," and "Redemptorist" manualist traditions from the time of St. Thomas until Vatican Council II on the existence of moral absolutes. This article was taken from the Summer 1992 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

67.  FR92401.TXT -- 8/27/96 -- VIEW

James V. Schall, S.J., An Atheist in the Sacristy: Why Does Faith Seek Intelligence?

Taken from the Winter 1992 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

68.  FR92401.ZIP -- 8/27/96 -- VIEW

James V. Schall, S.J., An Atheist in the Sacristy: Why Does Faith Seek Intelligence?

Taken from the Winter 1992 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

69.  FR93101.TXT -- 9/11/96 -- VIEW

Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete, Reflections on Humanae Vitae's 25th Anniversary

This paper was delivered in an address to the student body, faculty and administration of Christendom College in Front Royal, VA on April 20, 1993. Taken from the Spring 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

70.  FR93101.ZIP -- 9/11/96 -- VIEW

Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete, Reflections on Humanae Vitae's 25th Anniversary

This paper was delivered in an address to the student body, faculty and administration of Christendom College in Front Royal, VA on April 20, 1993. Taken from the Spring 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

71.  FR93202.TXT -- 9/11/96 -- VIEW

Brian Mullady, O.P., The Dream of Natural Philosophy

This article was taken from the Summer 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

72.  FR93202.ZIP -- 9/11/96 -- VIEW

Brian Mullady, O.P., The Dream of Natural Philosophy

This article was taken from the Summer 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

73.  FR93203.TXT -- 9/11/96 -- VIEW

Atherton C. Lowry, Study in Aquinas: Analogy as Theophany and the Hiddenness of God

This paper endeavors to highlight the "theophanic" character of Thomas' notion of analogy and its integral relation with the "incomprehensibility" of God. This article was taken from the Summer 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

74.  FR93203.ZIP -- 9/11/96 -- VIEW

Atherton C. Lowry, Study in Aquinas: Analogy as Theophany and the Hiddenness of God

This paper endeavors to highlight the "theophanic" character of Thomas' notion of analogy and its integral relation with the "incomprehensibility" of God. This article was taken from the Summer 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason". [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

75.  FR93401.TXT -- 5/7/96 -- VIEW

Daniel C. Hauser, Roman Catholic Ecclesiology and the Problem of Historicity: Insights from Origen Scholarship

The progress in Origen scholarship that has taken place since the mid-point of this century has given contemporary theology some fresh insight into the problems the Church faced in its early centuries. This article appeared in the Winter 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

76.  FR93401.ZIP -- 5/7/96 -- VIEW

Daniel C. Hauser, Roman Catholic Ecclesiology and the Problem of Historicity: Insights from Origen Scholarship

The progress in Origen scholarship that has taken place since the mid-point of this century has given contemporary theology some fresh insight into the problems the Church faced in its early centuries. This article appeared in the Winter 1993 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

77.  FR94102.TXT -- 5/7/96 -- VIEW

Thomas Storck, What is Western Culture

In this essay the author's intention is to set forth some of the basis for the West's historic unity. "How do we discover the ultimate basis of the unity of the West? Jacques Maritain captured the essence of the West in one sentence, when he wrote that the Greek people 'may be truly termed the organ of the reason and word of man as the Jewish people was the organ of the revelation and word of God.'" Taken from the Spring 1994 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

78.  FR94102.ZIP -- 5/7/96 -- VIEW

Thomas Storck, What is Western Culture

In this essay the author's intention is to set forth some of the basis for the West's historic unity. "How do we discover the ultimate basis of the unity of the West? Jacques Maritain captured the essence of the West in one sentence, when he wrote that the Greek people 'may be truly termed the organ of the reason and word of man as the Jewish people was the organ of the revelation and word of God.'" Taken from the Spring 1994 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

79.  FR94202.TXT -- 5/7/96 -- VIEW

Frederick D. Wilhelmsen, Ph.D., Sign, Faith and Society

This article appeared in the Summer 1994 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

80.  FR94202.ZIP -- 5/7/96 -- VIEW

Frederick D. Wilhelmsen, Ph.D., Sign, Faith and Society

This article appeared in the Summer 1994 issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

81.  FR94304.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

John J. Conley, S.J., Retrieving Conscience

Fr. Conley considers the true definition of conscience. He says that 'most of the definitions tend to fall into emotivist, intuitionist or mystical accounts of conscience.' This article was taken from the Fall 1994 issue of 'Faith & Reason'. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

82.  FR94304.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

John J. Conley, S.J., Retrieving Conscience

Fr. Conley considers the true definition of conscience. He says that 'most of the definitions tend to fall into emotivist, intuitionist or mystical accounts of conscience.' This article was taken from the Fall 1994 issue of 'Faith & Reason'. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

83.  FR94402.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, Liberalism and Theology

Fr. Jaki maintains that liberalism must carry the chief responsiblity for the strain which has heavily sapped the strength of the Church since Vatican II. This article was taken from the Winter 1994 issue of 'Faith & Reason'. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

84.  FR94402.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, Liberalism and Theology

Fr. Jaki maintains that liberalism must carry the chief responsiblity for the strain which has heavily sapped the strength of the Church since Vatican II. This article was taken from the Winter 1994 issue of 'Faith & Reason'. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

85.  FRNOONAN.TXT -- 12/10/96 -- VIEW

Patrick M. O'Neil, A Response to John T. Noonan, Jr. Concerning the Development of Catholic Moral Doctrine

Refutation of John T. Noonan's claim that there has been a fundamental shift in the Church's moral teaching, as evidenced by usury, marriage, slavery and religious freedom. Taken from the Spring/Summer issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

86.  FRNOONAN.ZIP -- 12/10/96 -- VIEW

Patrick M. O'Neil, A Response to John T. Noonan, Jr. Concerning the Development of Catholic Moral Doctrine

Refutation of John T. Noonan's claim that there has been a fundamental shift in the Church's moral teaching, as evidenced by usury, marriage, slavery and religious freedom. Taken from the Spring/Summer issue of "Faith & Reason." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

87.  FUNMOR.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Dietrich von Hildebrand, Fundamental Moral CONSCIENCE Attitudes

1950 In this book von Hildebrand points out that 'moral values are the highest among all natural values. Positive moral values are the focus of the world; negative moral values, the greatest evil, worse than suffering, sickness or death. REVERENCE FAITHFULNESS AWARENESS OF RESPONSIBILITY VERACITY GOODNESS [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

88.  FUNMOR.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Dietrich von Hildebrand, Fundamental Moral CONSCIENCE Attitudes

1950 In this book von Hildebrand points out that 'moral values are the highest among all natural values. Positive moral values are the focus of the world; negative moral values, the greatest evil, worse than suffering, sickness or death. REVERENCE FAITHFULNESS AWARENESS OF RESPONSIBILITY VERACITY GOODNESS [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

89.  GNOSIS.TXT -- 11/6/96 -- VIEW

Massimo Borghesi, Gnosis, A Faith Without Reality

Idealism, or modern gnosis, is the speculative basis of "the philosophy of the non-event", the philosophy of the resurrection without the bodily risen Jesus Christ. An article from "30Days" Issue #5, 1996, on the tendency among many in the Church to idealize the Resurrection--that is to make of it a product of Faith rather than primarily an historical fact. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

90.  GNOSIS.ZIP -- 11/6/96 -- VIEW

Massimo Borghesi, Gnosis, A Faith Without Reality

Idealism, or modern gnosis, is the speculative basis of "the philosophy of the non-event", the philosophy of the resurrection without the bodily risen Jesus Christ. An article from "30Days" Issue #5, 1996, on the tendency among many in the Church to idealize the Resurrection--that is to make of it a product of Faith rather than primarily an historical fact. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

91.  GODASFIR.TXT -- 8/23/96 -- VIEW

John Duns Scotus, A Treatise on God as First Principle

1.Type of Essential Orders 2.Interrelationship of Essentially Ordered Elements 3.The Triple Primacy of the First Principle 4.The simplicity, infinity and intellectuality of the First Being includes appendix from Lectures on the Sentences 1.Does an infinite being exist? 2.Is it self-evident that an infinite being exists? [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

92.  GODASFIR.ZIP -- 8/23/96 -- VIEW

John Duns Scotus, A Treatise on God as First Principle

1.Type of Essential Orders 2.Interrelationship of Essentially Ordered Elements 3.The Triple Primacy of the First Principle 4.The simplicity, infinity and intellectuality of the First Being includes appendix from Lectures on the Sentences 1.Does an infinite being exist? 2.Is it self-evident that an infinite being exists? [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

93.  GODTRANS.TXT -- 3/4/97 -- VIEW

Cardinal John Joseph Wright, God Transcends All

A homily delivered during Mass for the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, on the 8th March, 1971, in the "Angelicum" by His Eminence Cardinal John Joseph Wright. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

94.  GODTRANS.ZIP -- 3/4/97 -- VIEW

Cardinal John Joseph Wright, God Transcends All

A homily delivered during Mass for the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, on the 8th March, 1971, in the "Angelicum" by His Eminence Cardinal John Joseph Wright. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

95.  GRACE.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. William Most, Collection on Grace

Zip file contains 15 files by Father William Most on grace, predestination and related topics. MOST GRACE PREDESTINATION CHURCH SALVATION [THEOLOGY, Type=3 Code=EE]

96.  HEGEL.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. Robert Levis, Comments on Hegel

This file is Fr. Levis' response to a question about the philosopher Hegel. Taken from a discussion on CRNET. HEGEL LEVIS PROCESS [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

97.  HEGEL.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Fr. Robert Levis, Comments on Hegel

This file is Fr. Levis' response to a question about the philosopher Hegel. Taken from a discussion on CRNET. HEGEL LEVIS PROCESS [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

98.  JAKI.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

John J. Mulloy, Fr. Stanley L. Jaki on Science as a Pathway to God

The primary theme of Fr. Jaki's book 'The Road of Science and the Ways to God', is this principle: that a rational belief in the existence of a Creator, and of an ordered universe which He has created and governs, played a crucial role in the rise of science in Western culture and in all of its great creative advances. This article was taken from 'The Dawson Newsletter,' Spring 1995. MULLOY JAKI SCIENCE GOD GIFFORD LECTURES [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

99.  JAKI.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

John J. Mulloy, Fr. Stanley L. Jaki on Science as a Pathway to God

The primary theme of Fr. Jaki's book 'The Road of Science and the Ways to God', is this principle: that a rational belief in the existence of a Creator, and of an ordered universe which He has created and governs, played a crucial role in the rise of science in Western culture and in all of its great creative advances. This article was taken from 'The Dawson Newsletter,' Spring 1995. MULLOY JAKI SCIENCE GOD GIFFORD LECTURES [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

100.  JM2404.TXT -- 1/14/97 -- VIEW

Jacques Maritain, God and Science

This article, transcribed from a carbon copy of a typewritten manuscript, deals with the relation of modern science to man's knowledge of God. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

101.  REALITY.TXT -- 10/24/96 -- VIEW

Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., Reality: A Synthesis of Thomistic Thought

"Truth concerning God is the sun which illumines our minds and wills on the road that rises to eternal life, to the unmediated vision of the divine reality." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

102.  REALITY.ZIP -- 10/24/96 -- VIEW

Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P., Reality: A Synthesis of Thomistic Thought

"Truth concerning God is the sun which illumines our minds and wills on the road that rises to eternal life, to the unmediated vision of the divine reality." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

103.  REMYBODY.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Joyce Little, The New Evangelization and Gender: The Remystification of the Body

This article by Joyce Little discusses the choice between symbolic-sacramental man and functional man, which she says is a choice between accepting the whole of the Catholic faith or rejecting the whole of that faith. This article was taken from the Winter 1994 issue of 'Communio: International Catholic Review'. LITTLE EVANGELIZATION GENDER BODY MALE FEMALE [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

104.  REMYBODY.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Joyce Little, The New Evangelization and Gender: The Remystification of the Body

This article by Joyce Little discusses the choice between symbolic-sacramental man and functional man, which she says is a choice between accepting the whole of the Catholic faith or rejecting the whole of that faith. This article was taken from the Winter 1994 issue of 'Communio: International Catholic Review'. LITTLE EVANGELIZATION GENDER BODY MALE FEMALE [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

105.  REPUBLIC.TXT -- 5/30/96 -- VIEW

Plato, Republic

The Internet Wiretap Online Edition Translated by BENJAMIN JOWETT, M.A., Late Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford, New York, P. F. Collier & Son, Copyright 1901 The Colonial Press, Prepared by Scanned from the 1901 edition and mechanically checked against a commercial copy of the Republic from CDROM. Differences were corrected against the paper edition. The text itself is thus a highly accurate rendition. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

106.  REPUBLIC.ZIP -- 5/30/96 -- VIEW

Plato, Republic

The Internet Wiretap Online Edition Translated by BENJAMIN JOWETT, M.A., Late Regius Professor of Greek in the University of Oxford, New York, P. F. Collier & Son, Copyright 1901 The Colonial Press, Prepared by Scanned from the 1901 edition and mechanically checked against a commercial copy of the Republic from CDROM. Differences were corrected against the paper edition. The text itself is thus a highly accurate rendition. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

107.  SEMINAR.TXT -- 12/18/96 -- VIEW

George William Rutler, The Jesus Seminar

In this article taken from the September 1996 issue of "Crisis" magazine, Fr. Rutler comments on a seminar held in California in which "thoughtful Latin stoics and Semitic Sadducees would not have considered the Jesus discovered there worth killing." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

108.  SEMINAR.ZIP -- 12/18/96 -- VIEW

George William Rutler, The Jesus Seminar

In this article taken from the September 1996 issue of "Crisis" magazine, Fr. Rutler comments on a seminar held in California in which "thoughtful Latin stoics and Semitic Sadducees would not have considered the Jesus discovered there worth killing." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

109.  SOULWEST.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Christopher Dawson, Christianity as the Soul of the West

'It is the great paradox of Christianity that though Christianity is a principle of life to civilization even in secular matters, it is continually at issue with the world and always seems on the verge of being destroyed by it. Thus the Church is necessary to Europe, and yet any acceptance of the Church because it is necessary to society is destructive of its real essence. Nothing could be more fatal to the spirit of Christianity than a ret [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

110.  SOULWEST.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Christopher Dawson, Christianity as the Soul of the West

'It is the great paradox of Christianity that though Christianity is a principle of life to civilization even in secular matters, it is continually at issue with the world and always seems on the verge of being destroyed by it. Thus the Church is necessary to Europe, and yet any acceptance of the Church because it is necessary to society is destructive of its real essence. Nothing could be more fatal to the spirit of Christianity than a ret [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

111.  SPIRCATH.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Karl Adam, The Spirit of Catholicism

Published in 1954 by Doubleday & Company. Karl Adam brilliantly answers many questions about the nature and structure of the Church. Writing with great force and clarity, he examines the essential nature of the Catholic Church from the basic premise that it was expressly founded by Christ, traces its historical development and analyses its actual functioning through the ages. The author has long been regarded as one of the world's greatest theologians and 'The [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

112.  SPIRCATH.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Karl Adam, The Spirit of Catholicism

Published in 1954 by Doubleday & Company. Karl Adam brilliantly answers many questions about the nature and structure of the Church. Writing with great force and clarity, he examines the essential nature of the Catholic Church from the basic premise that it was expressly founded by Christ, traces its historical development and analyses its actual functioning through the ages. The author has long been regarded as one of the world's greatest theologians and 'The [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

113.  SPIRINDX.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Karl Adam, Index for 'The Spirit of Catholicism'


114.  SPIRINDX.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Karl Adam, Index for 'The Spirit of Catholicism'


115.  SPIRWOM.TXT -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, Spirituality of the Christian Woman

The draft of this study is based on a cycle of four lectures given by Edith Stein in Zurich during January, 1932 for the Organization of Catholic Woman. UNDSET IBSEN GOETHE MARRIAGE VIRGINITY VOCATION [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

116.  SPIRWOM.ZIP -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, Spirituality of the Christian Woman

The draft of this study is based on a cycle of four lectures given by Edith Stein in Zurich during January, 1932 for the Organization of Catholic Woman. UNDSET IBSEN GOETHE MARRIAGE VIRGINITY VOCATION [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

117.  STATSOUL.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Cardinal Lepicier, State of the Departed Soul

Chapter I of Part II of 'The Unseen World: An Exposition of Catholic Theology In Reference To Modern Spiritism'. Published by Benziger Brothers 1929. LEPICIER SOUL DEATH DEPARTED EGO PERSONALITY [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

118.  STATSOUL.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Cardinal Lepicier, State of the Departed Soul

Chapter I of Part II of 'The Unseen World: An Exposition of Catholic Theology In Reference To Modern Spiritism'. Published by Benziger Brothers 1929. LEPICIER SOUL DEATH DEPARTED EGO PERSONALITY [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

119.  SWISSWOM.TXT -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, Challenges Facing Swiss Catholic Academic Women

Edith Stein gave a lecture tour in Switzerland during 1932. This manuscript is most likely the rough sketch of her lecture in Zurich. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

120.  SWISSWOM.ZIP -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, Challenges Facing Swiss Catholic Academic Women

Edith Stein gave a lecture tour in Switzerland during 1932. This manuscript is most likely the rough sketch of her lecture in Zurich. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

121.  THINKSEC.TXT -- 11/6/96 -- VIEW

Wolfhart Pannenberg, How to Think About Secularism

A leading Christian professor offers important insights into the rise of secularism and how to respond to it. Article taken from the June-July 1996 issue of "First Things." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

122.  THINKSEC.ZIP -- 11/6/96 -- VIEW

Wolfhart Pannenberg, How to Think About Secularism

A leading Christian professor offers important insights into the rise of secularism and how to respond to it. Article taken from the June-July 1996 issue of "First Things." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

123.  TIME.TXT -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Catherine Dalzell, Towards A Christian Experience of Time

CRNET member Catherine Dalzell looks at the way we usually experience time: a linear taskmaster, driving one through a sequence of events towards eventual death. Redemption unlocks the past from its burden of sin, fills the future with hope, and broadens the present moment in the experience of God's love. This essay first appeared in the 'Canadian Catholic Review'. DALZELL TIME MUSIC MOVEMENT SIN [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

124.  TIME.ZIP -- 4/1/96 -- VIEW

Catherine Dalzell, Towards A Christian Experience of Time

CRNET member Catherine Dalzell looks at the way we usually experience time: a linear taskmaster, driving one through a sequence of events towards eventual death. Redemption unlocks the past from its burden of sin, fills the future with hope, and broadens the present moment in the experience of God's love. This essay first appeared in the 'Canadian Catholic Review'. DALZELL TIME MUSIC MOVEMENT SIN [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

125.  TRINITY.TXT -- 3/20/97 -- VIEW

Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, The Trinity and God the Creator

The first part of this work treats of the Trinity. After presenting the testimony of the Scriptures and the Fathers, Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange explains the questions in St. Thomas' Summa theologica>, article by article, comparing his doctrine with the teaching of earlier and later theologians. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

126.  TRINITY.ZIP -- 3/20/97 -- VIEW

Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, The Trinity and God the Creator

The first part of this work treats of the Trinity. After presenting the testimony of the Scriptures and the Fathers, Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange explains the questions in St. Thomas' Summa theologica>, article by article, comparing his doctrine with the teaching of earlier and later theologians. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

127.  TRUEFREE.TXT -- 9/11/96 -- VIEW

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Truth and Freedom

Article taken from the Spring 1996 issue of "Communio: International Catholic Review". MARX KANT NIETZSCHE KUNG [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

128.  TRUEFREE.ZIP -- 9/11/96 -- VIEW

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Truth and Freedom

Article taken from the Spring 1996 issue of "Communio: International Catholic Review". MARX KANT NIETZSCHE KUNG [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

129.  VOCATION.TXT -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, The Separate Vocations of Man and Woman According to Nature and Grace

This essay is based on Edith Stein's research on the goal of education for Christian women. [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

130.  VOCATION.ZIP -- 2/19/97 -- VIEW

Edith Stein, The Separate Vocations of Man and Woman According to Nature and Grace

This essay is based on Edith Stein's research on the goal of education for Christian women. [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

131.  YOUNGSIN.TXT -- 5/23/96 -- VIEW

Lorenzo Albacete, Younger Than Sin

In this article taken from the Winter 1995 issue of "Communio" Msgr. Albacete analyzes George Bernanos reference to the Blessed Virgin Mary as "younger than sin." [THEOLOGY, Type=1 Code=EE]

132.  YOUNGSIN.ZIP -- 5/23/96 -- VIEW

Lorenzo Albacete, Younger Than Sin

In this article taken from the Winter 1995 issue of "Communio" Msgr. Albacete analyzes George Bernanos reference to the Blessed Virgin Mary as "younger than sin." [THEOLOGY, Type=2 Code=EE]

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