"Debussy's Reverie"
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Welcome to
Terrific's Homepage

My name is Terri, for those of you that may not know me. I am 39 years old and haved lived in southern Indiana most of my life. As you may have noticed by my pages, God has always been such a very important person in my life and He has given me many great blessings.

For the past 20 years I have been happily married to and very much in love with the sweetest guy I have ever known, my very best friend. God has also given me the pleasure of being the mother of two very loving daughters, Amanda and Stacie. Children are such a special gift from God.

Recently my oldest daughter Amanda became the wife of a very special young man named Derek. I have added links to their pages below if you would like a chance to get to know any of them better.

I love God with all my heart and soul and Im so thankful for all He has given to me. I dont think it would have been possible for me to have known the kind of happiness and peace that I have known in my life, had I never had a relationship with our loving Heavenly Father.

It is very thrilling for me to see God working within people's lives to help them to become the best of everything that they can be and I wish this for anyone and everyone. I have met some very special people while on the net, and Im thankful for each and every one of you!

In addition to my love of God, you will probably notice that I have an appreciation for classical music, as I have included some pieces on some of my pages. I hope you enjoy your visit here to my pages and it is my deepest wish that you all come to have a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Amanda's homepage
Stacie's homepage
Derek's homepage

pics: Terri | Amanda | Stacie | Derek

I can do all things through Christ
which strengtheneth me...Phil 4:13

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Email: terrific2@hotmail.com

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