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I Don't Have A Life!


This page isn't dedicated to anything...I just got bored one day, and decided to make it. So, what can I say? Hmmm....well, a little about me is in order, I suppose. I am Male, 5'11", Black Hair, Brown Eyes, and I am a stick figure according to my friends. My hobbies include Writing Stories, Watching Japanese Anime', and surfing the Net. I am thinking about posting sections of my stories up here, even though they aren't very good in my opinion. If anyone who reads this thinks that this is a good idea, please give me a buzz using the link below. Also, if you write to find out what kind of story it would be, I will tell you in great detail.

Here are some images I felt like putting up:

The purple Chocobo..kewl ain't he?

A family portrait...well, sort of...people say I look like the guy in front.

Well, that was my page...hope you weren't too bored. Oh, if anything went wrong during your stay here, tell me...I MAY be able to fix it.. Well, thanx for dropping in. BYE!

Leave me a note of what you think See what people had to say to me

Some, *SAFE* Buttons for you to press...

Kewl Sites For The Lifeless Kind

Arcadium Refugees: The place where I usually am..My name is Zolf in it
The Anime Web Turnpike, the one stop for all your Anime' Needs
Anime' Marriage Prospects...What can I say..I have weird tastes in what I read

