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Come on and drown....

May 30, 2002.

Hi. If you got here, you must've found it via My LiveJournal. That's nice, fine and dandy. Just so you know, this site is very very very old. I keep it up, simply as a forum, a place, a trashbin for some poetry I feel like sharing, or having on-hand. I hope you like what you see, even though nothing has been added since approximately May of 2001. If you have any questions or wish to see more, hunt me down or ICQ or leave me a note on my jounral. Enjoy!

I enjoy comments and critique of all forms, I just ask that you be tactful. ;)

-:Love? or Lust?:-

Tina the
     Troubled Teen

Good old Tina, been here since the beginning!

Meet the Wench
Mail: ICQ: 2297147

Remember kids, stealing is wrong, and remember the fact I speak softly and carry a big stick.
All works, writtings, and images are property of HALEY, with the exception of images from the Angelfire image library. Thank you, have a nice day.