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My name is Mark Hayes,(just in case you missed it the first time). The pic above is my logo. Its not used in any of my games yet. Anyway I'm 16 years old, I got my license about 5 months ago. My hobbies are Roller Blading, around with freinds, Progamming my own video games, and just hanging out with my freinds. I am usally with my girl freind Lyssy, or with dan or brogan. I dont really like going to school. But it does give me something to do. My favorite color is blue(or black) my favorite place to eat is subway, and my favorite movie(if you cant guess) is STAR WARS. I used to watch it almost every day, but now I have a little more of a life. My favorite song is, either World I Know, by collective soul, or Black Hole Sun, by sound garden. I think I like World I Know better. My Favorite video game is X-men VS Street Fighter, (I think) It is kinda getting old. Well thats about all. If you havent visited my other home page, then go here, To my other page.
If you have any questions, coments, or just wanna talk, then e-mail me. And dont forget to visit my links, Sign my guest book, and download my games.


Below are a list of the games that I have made in the last 2 years. Each one is free for the taking, all I ask is that you send me an e-mail telling me what you thought about the game or games that you have downloaded. It is not required that I get an e-mail from you, but it would be nice. Thanks. :)

By the way: The games are listed in order of when they were made. Some of the earlier games are primitive, but the later ones, are quite a bit better.

KickBoxer 2000

INFO: This game was one of my first games that I made. It is a fighting game. The game has no plot, all you can do is change some of the options, and fight against the computer opponent.

Note: There is a Special move. It is not listed in the games control section. To do this move just hit 1 2 3 as fast as you can and you will probably pull it off. All it is, is a fire ball, but it really hurts your opponent.

Download: KickBoxer 2000

Maze Master

INFO: This game is my second favoite game that I made. It is just a maze game(like you dident know that). In this game all you do is walk around different mazes. You can set off bombs to clear yourself a path, but, you only have a surtain amount of bombs. The levels keep getting harder and harder as you go. There are over one million different levels for it, So you can pretty much just keep going on forever.

Note: There is a Special "cheat mode" this allows you to get a maximum of 10 bombs at the start of each level. And also to get 10 more bombs at anytime so you can win any level that you may come across. If you wanna know the cheat code, then you have to e-mail me.

Note: There is one small error in the game. The first score that you enter for high scores wont regester. This means that the first high score wont show up, but the second one will. I suggest (if you care about your scores) first play the game, complete one level and then exit the game, saving your score as the high score, then the rest of the scores will be saved correctly. sorry for the problem. :(

Download: Maze Master

Space Fighter

INFO: This is (so far) the best game that I have made. It is like all other space ship arcade games. You choose your level of difficulty and what planet you want to play on. Also you pick your ship color and to have sound on or off.

Download: Space Fighter

Screen Saver

INFO: This isnt a game it is a screen saver. It is fairly simple. But neat to look at. It is worth the download.

Download: Screen Saver

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