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    Ajith & Anu Welcome You 
Hi I'm Ajith Mathew pet name as Sabu Mathew. I'm 33 year old born in the Sign of Virgo. Currently  I'm  located in  the  Middle East  (Kuwait) and  is working  for an  Oil Company  as Civil Engineer . Basically  I'm a pure South Indian from  a beautiful state known as the " God's own country" . I am married and  settled at Kuwait. My better half, Anu Ajith is an Electronics Engineer.Our Gifts of God Vishal Ajith Mathew  joined  us in  the  month of  june  1998 & Vineet Ajith John  joined us in  the  month of  october  1999.  As  far as  I am concerned, I'm not a  geek. I came to  know that there are lot of things which we can do through the  Internet. I even  know the  incidents were people found their life partners with the aid of this wired technology. Amazing...!!!!!!! I'm looking for real and  long lasting Friendships.  Friend ship can make a lot of touchy moments  in one's life Geeeeeeeeeeeee....................  My Objective of creating this web page is  to achieve  a good friends circle. The contents of my page  will be  restricted to  my  creations .  I sincerely hope that you'll visit my creations &  make my  endeavour  a great  success.  Let me wish that each and everyone of you ,who visit this site will go back with a smile and whispering to oneself .
"Oh .. I got a Good friend here"

My site is still under construction and you can expect a lot of my own creations.
Add this page to your Bookmark & Browse frequently.

Please Do send your comments & Ideas 

Till we meet again..........Adios Amigos

An announcement

Our Sixth wedding anniversary was on 4th of Feb 2002.......

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