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Vijay Kumar
World Wide Center for Self-Realization

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(The man who Realized God in 1993)

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    How I Realized God
    Life story of Vijay Kumar...The man who Realized God in 1993 ! Do U want to understand the hidden Truths of all Scriptures of all Religions of the World ? Realize-God & attain Salvation within this life !
My articles ... Essays you will want to read again & again !!
    Truce with my innerself
    The most Fundamental truth of your life ... Your true self "the I within"... One Essay which can change the entire course of your life !
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Last Modified : March 20, 2000

    Shape of the World to Come (1994-2006)
    The Third & Final World War of this Era ... 1999-2003 ! A Nuclear War between Christianity & Islam ... A fight to the finish ! A Mahabharata of the Modern Age ... God will uphold Dharma !

    Letter to all Mankind
    Creator is one ... Are we not truly Sons of God ! Wherein lies the difference between a Man and Women ... We all manifest a body on Mother Earth only to cleanse the Atman (the soul within) !

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    A Glossary of words in Hinduism: Inner meanings explained (A-Z)
    Words in Gita, Upanishads, Jainism and All Hindu Sacred Scriptures: The hidden inner meanings now explained by Vijay Kumar...The Man who realized God in 1993 !

    (This Glossary is meant for all who want to understand Hinduism and its purport in its true sense. Scholars, Students, Aspirants, Sadhaks and Individuals ... Wanting to learn inner meaning of those hidden Truths which form the essence known as Bhagvad Gita !!)

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