I/M Comics

Shadows is my comic book that was inspired by Scott McCloud's 24 hour comic.

Pete's World was published by the IDS. I recently removed all but a very few low quality strips to make way for more content...

An Untitled Pacman Story is a surealist mini comics drawn by C. Roberts and, myself inspired by Dadaist writing games where you can't see what the previous person has written. This comic has been messed with in Ms. Paint and Photoshop which might not be in the spirit of the Dadaists or maybe it is I don't really know.

I/M Works in progress

Simian Adventures is an online comic that is drawn by many artists. I started it at Fight Club.

Worlds End, has two pages online.

I have this standing challenge at fight club. Which reminds me if anyone wants to collaborate or wants some art/music specialy made let me know. Oh, you can also see the beginings of the strip by clicking here.

I/M Ideas

If I could have a project with DC it would definatly be Batman however if I could do a project for Marvel it would be Mysterio.

One is a short story that I wrote and toyed with the idea of making into a a comic. I like the art that I did but ended up deciding that I really disliked the story. 3 pages are here. If there is intrest I'll start writeing the story again in installments and post them possably with art? Whatcha know there was some intrest so I am adding a serialised text version of One. Please contact me if you would like to be e-mailed updates of One.

I/M Not Comics

Hip Robin is more of a piece of protest art rather than an actual comic but, there is no general art area YET. To see what I am poking fun at go to Hip Cats. That Hip Cat sight broke my heart!

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