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About Me...

It was a gorgeous August day in 1977. One would call it a pleasant day with the sun shining and the sky clear. I was born on the first day of August, but I was almost an August 2nd baby because it was so late at night. This was the beginning of my life.

In my childhood, with my mothers motivation, I was involved in quite a few activities. I was in Girl Scouts for 10+ years, 4-H, Orchestra, Church Youth Group, AWANA, tennis, swimming and ballet lessons, on a soccer team and also "delivered" a newspaper called the Penny Saver. The reason I used the quotation marks was because sometimes I would not feel like delivering the papers so I would throw them in a trash can in an alley behind our house. Needless to say, I was found out. And even though I was found out, I did recieve Carrier Of The Month once.

When I was 15, we moved to a small city in Indiana. This was just in time to start a new high school. And at the same time, my best friend moved to California. That was a sad time. We have been friends since the 1st grade and we still keep in touch. In high school I moved away from the athletic activities to more intellectual activities such as Spell Bowl, Quiz Bowl, Project Teach, Orchestra, STAND (Students Taking A New Direction), and Powder Puff Football (Girls Football). After graduation I took a two week vacation to visit my best friend in California and we also went to Nevada and Arizona. That was the highlight of what I call my "graduation summer."

I started college the August of 1996 and currently attend Indiana State University. In college I joined a group called, "The Sycamore StoryTellers." We performed childrens stories and poems to groups of children. Also in college, I met my fiance, who I have been with for over a year now. We met in an Internet chatroom and met for the first time in November and have been together ever since. I spent the WHOLE summer in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts where he is from.

There are also some of the stories like the time I shut my fingers in a newspaper machine and my mom had to put more money in to get my fingers out. Also, when I took swimming lessons, my mom had to grab me out of the pool because I was trying drown another child. There was also the time when I kept riding my tricycle down the front steps at our old house.

These are some of the highlights of my life and I am sure that there are some that I have forgotten, but for now this is...
...To Be Continued...