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Friends are friends but Brothers are for life!

This page is dedicated to the great times that my friend and I had before hemoved away. Someday I hope our paths cross again because he was like the brother I never had! Kevin-A.K.A.-BocephusBLVD I love you Brother!

With All stories you must have a beginning and I would like to begin here with the time I first met my new founded BROTHER! My Dad was a C.B.'er and one day heard a signal of a fellow selling a Golden Eagle Microphone over the airwaves! With this being a great powerful microphone for many C.B.'s and the price was just right, my Dad aquired to whom the seller was and where to meet. At the time the seller's Handle was Dagwood and that day was the first day Dagwood met Runabout! Today we are known as the duo of Runabout and Bocephus BLVD! Two Brothers on the NET who aren't related but it sure feels like we are blood relatives!

Click for Crawfordsville, Indiana Forecast
To See Where I Live

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"A few of my links for you to enjoy"
  • My Dragon I Adopted!

  • Here is a Picture of My Brother on TV! I knew you would make Prime Time Kevin!

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